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P. 16


                      Levy Funding, State Influence and the

                      Application of Community Law

                      Gordon Downie
                      Partner, Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP*

                                                                          The relevant concept is defined  as follows:
                      The framers of the EC Treaty were well aware of the risks
                      posed to competition by state intervention in markets.  ‘Body governed by public law’ means any body:
                      Community law outlaws a range of state measures which have
                      as their object or effect the distortion of free competition  –  established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in
                      between domestic firms and their foreign rivals.    the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial
                          In many instances, the state’s presence in a given market  character, and
                      will be evident and unequivocal. The imposition of a tax or  –  having legal personality, and
                      duty on a particular activity, or the purchasing decisions of a  –  financed, for the most part, by the State, or regional or
                      central or local government agency are reasonably unambiguous  local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law;
                      interventions. The provision of financial support by the state  or subject to management supervision by those bodies;
                      can often also be clearly identified, for example as in the case  or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory
                      of grants or subsidies paid to particular economic actors.  board, more than half of whose members are appointed
                      However, it is not always so easy to characterise the state origins  by the State, regional or local authorities or by other bodies
                      of financial support. One such difficulty lies in the area of  governed by public law.
                      levy funding, that is, financial support which is supplied not by
                      the state itself (for instance, out of general taxation) but by  Background
                      industry or customers under some form of state mandate.
                          Two recent cases before the European Court provide  Although Germany’s public broadcasters are institutions
                      important guidance on the extent to which levy funding should  governed by public law, with a public interest remit, they are
                      be characterised as financial support by the state. The first,  independent of the state authorities, self-managed and
                      Bayerische Rundfunk,  examines the application of the EC public  organised in such a way as to exclude any influence by the
                      procurement rules to purchasing decisions of levy funded  public authorities. 4
                      bodies in the broadcasting sector. The second, Essent Noord, 2  The financing of the public broadcasters is governed by a
                      considers whether levy funding arrangements in the energy  series of treaties entered into between the federal government
                      market can amount to state aid. Both cases (although in the  and the various German states (‘Länder’). In terms of these
                      second we do not yet have the court’s judgment) appear to  treaties, more than half of the needs of the public broadcasters
                      signal a willingness to bring levy funded bodies within the  is to be financed by fees paid by citizens, with the balance
                      notion of the state for Community law purposes.  coming from advertising and other revenues. Individual liability
                                                                       to pay the relevant ‘broadcasting fee’ is triggered by possession
                                                                       of a broadcasting receiver, whether it is used or not. Entitlement
                      Bayerische Rundfunk                              to the fee is vested (by virtue of the treaties) in each of the
                      This case concerned the scope of the EU rules on the award  relevant public broadcasters.
                      of public contracts and, in particular, their application to  The amount of the broadcasting fee, which is calculated
                      Germany’s public broadcasters (the ‘Rundfunkanstalten’).  by reference to the financial needs of the public broadcasters,
                      Specifically, the question posed by the referring court was
                      whether the public broadcasters were ‘bodies governed by
                      public law’ and, thus, subject to the mandatory tendering
                      requirements imposed by the EU rules.            3 This definition is currently set out in Article 1(9) of Directive 2004/
                                                                       18/EC.  In point of fact, the proceedings in this case were raised under
                                                                       a predecessor provision, namely Article 1(b) of Directive 93/50/EEC,
                                                                       which was expressed in essentially identical terms.
                                                                       4 According to the court, Article 5(1) of Germany’s Basic Law has
                                                                       been consistently interpreted as ‘imposing an absolute prohibition on
                                                                       any interference or any intervention by the public authorities in the
                                                                       management and operation of the public broadcasting bodies and an
                      * The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance received from the  obligation of strict neutrality in relation to the programme material of
                      members of the firm’s competition, regulation and public law team in  those bodies. That provision of the Basic Law is of cardinal importance
                      the preparation of this article.                 in the structure of the present German state and aims to ensure that
                      1 Case C-337/06, Bayerischer Rundfunk and Others v Gesellschaft für  broadcasting does not become a political instrument. It represents a
                      Gebäudereinigung und Wartung mbH, Judgment of 13 December 2007.  constitutional guarantee of the right to freedom of expression and the
                      2 Case C-206/06, Essent Netwerk Noord BV and Others v Aluminium Delfzijl  right to receive information from a plurality of sources, and also of the
                      BV and Others, Opinion of Advocate General (Mengozzi) 24 January  existence of public broadcasting bodies and of their financing and
                      2008.  Not yet available in English.             development’ (paragraph 13 of judgment).
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