Page 19 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 19

Issue 3 - Bradford United News

        Interpreting the Quarter Two Results                                     Council Surgery

        By David Beattie                                                           Meeting Your Council

           CHIEVING PLAN SALES is          Quarter 2  -  Net Sales v Plan         Rep In Warehouse And
        Aobviously our continual                                                           Assembly
        objective. And, in the first                  Sales  Plan
        quarter, we were so close to it                                             S PART OF THE MOVE to make
        at 98%. In Q2 we got even closer                                         ACouncil better able to represent
        at 98.5%.                                                                its members, a new scheme which
            In fact, this is a tremendous  10000                                 sets aside a specific time for
        achievement because we began    8000                                     employees to consult with Council
        the quarter, in April, with a deficit  6000                              representatives, went on trial
        to plan of approximately £250k.  4000                                    starting July.
        We were unable to recover this in                                           The second Monday of the month
        May. In fact, after two months, we                                       is the designated Council surgery date
                                         0                                                       th
        had sunk to £500k below plan for   Engine  Sealing  Friction  Champion  Total  – the next date is 14  August. Between
        the quarter.                                                             11.30 and 12.30 in the morning and
            This left us with a mountain to climb in June but, thanks to a super human effort  between 4.00 and 5.00 in the afternoon,
        from the whole Bradford team, we achieved 107% of plan for the month, leaving us just  Council reps from warehouse and
        £200k down on the quarter overall.                                       assembly will be available in the ground
            So, what about the rest of the year? I am still optimistic that we can hit our  floor training room for any of their
        targets and be the best performing LDC in Europe. There’s no doubt that it will be a  members to go and consult.
        tough task. We must improve on our service to the customer, improve on availability,  The first 30 minutes of each of the
        get things right first time and give our sales team the support and confidence they  two periods (11.30am-12.00 noon and
        need from us if we are to succeed. I know what we are capable of if we pull together. ❖  4.00pm-4.30pm) will be by prior
                                                                                 appointment only. All appointments to
                                                                                 be made through Emma Bannister,
                                                                                 secretary to Council, on extension 2322.
         New Millennium,                              Watch Out!                 Just book the appointment – you must
                                                                                 tell your supervisor where you are going
                                                        Thefts Prompt Increased  – and turn up at the appointed time in
                                                          Security Measures
                New Image                              UST RECENTLY, there have been  the training room.
                                                                                    The second 30 minutes of each
                                                     J a series of thefts from the Legrams  period (12 noon-12.30pm and 4.30pm-
                 Brands Get Make-Over                Lane site. Not only company  5.00pm) will be available on an open
                                                     equipment, such as computers and  house basis, but this will be in
            STRIKING NEW SERIES of advertisements is set to  product, but personal items have  employees’ own time.
        A revitalise the Champion and Ferodo brands.
                                                     been lifted too.               Howard Simpson, assembly manager,
            Two of the most famous names in the automotive parts  It’s always bad news when stuff  and Tony Bellwood, warehouse manager,
        market, with world-wide profiles, the residual awareness of  gets pinched. Apart from the hassle  will be meeting with Council reps regularly
        Ferodo and Champion as brands with a reputation for top  and cost of replacing the items stolen,  to discuss any issues raised at these
        quality, range and technical superiority is still very high but  in a site where access is partly
        it was felt that, overall, their image in the marketplace was  restricted there’s always the very  surgeries (or anywhere else) to ensure that
        starting to be perceived as slightly old-fashioned.  unpleasant thought that, maybe, the  problems get a full and early airing and,
            The new advertising campaign – which is hitting the  thief is a work-mate.  wherever possible, are resolved in-house
                                                        The company is doing everything  and promptly without having to go to a
                                                     necessary to protect against these thefts  Council meeting.
                                                     but without making entry restrictions  The new arrangements will be on
                                                                                 trial for a couple of months. ❖
                                                     continued on page 5...
                                                    Front Page News

                                                     Champion At Centre Of Magazine Feature

                                                                                ECENTLY, DAVE WALKER, editor of
        major  trade                   magazines right                      RAuto Technician, was invited to have a look
        across Europe                  now and in the                       around the Champion spark plug factory at
        coming months                  –  is  geared                        Upton and its adjacent European Technical
        towards reminding installers (both workshop and DIY) and            Centre.
        distributors just why the brands are so powerful.                       He was so impressed by what he saw
            Exploiting its position as one of the top three European
        parts brands, the Champion campaign is built around the             that he devoted the entire front page of the
        proposition – using other, leading but non-automotive glo-          June issue to a picture of a Champion plug
        bal brands as a benchmark for its contemporary appeal –             and six pages inside to describe the
        that it is the world’s favourite spark plug.                        manufacturing process and the advanced
            The Ferodo campaign reinforces its position as the              technology in the technical centre where the
        undisputed leader in European car friction products and uses        plugs are tested to the extremes of endurance.
        a series of famous firsts – again, using non-automotive                 Auto Technician, with a circulation of
        images to underline its universal reach – to make the point.        17,000, is the magazine of the Retail Motor  3
            The imagery in the adverts is emotional, powerful and           Industry Federation and goes to engine
        surprising. ❖                                                       centres throughout the UK. ❖
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