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Bradford United News - Issue 2

                                            Good Health                         – Assembly, Dorothy Blair – Warehouse,
                                                                                Andy Branthwaite – Warehouse, Lisa
                                                                                Brassington – P & S, Stephanie Casey –
                                            First Aid Team Adds                 restaurant, Maria Charuk – Assembly,
                                                                                Karen Ludlow – Warehouse, Deanne
                                            Another Member                      Parker – Assembly, Jackie Pickles –
                                                                                Assembly, Michael Sunderland – Goods
                                                                                Inwards, Julie Tod – Assembly and Ann
                                               TEPHANIE CASEY, restaurant       Wright – Post Room, also all security
                                            Smanager, has recently passed       personnel.
                                            the First Aid at Work course to        In addition to the qualified first-aid
                                                                                team, the company also retains the
                                            qualify as one of the company’s
                                                                                services of Dr Nicholas Ball who runs a
                                            first aid team.                     surgery on site every Thursday between
                                               Other first-aiders are:- Gillian  3.30 and 5.30pm. Appointments to see
                                            Ackroyd - customer services, Victor  the doctor can be made in advance via
                                            Bamfield – purchase ledger, Elaine Biggs  Jenny Kirk on extension 8217. ❖

        Ken Ford & Bryan Knott.                                                Engine
        On Approval

        Brake Re-Line Scheme                                                   Brands On
        Proves Big Hit

           ederal-Mogul displayed all five of                                  Show
        Fits industry-leading brands on one    Letter-Line is your opportunity to
        integrated show stand for the first time
        at the Commercial Vehicle Show at the   have your say, in public, about   he AE and Payen brands had a strong
        NEC.                                    any issue which affects you in  Tpresence at this year’s Engine
            The show was the venue for a major                                 Remanufacturers’ Show at the
        CV industry service initiative by Federal-  your working environment.  Donington Exhibition Centre in March.
        Mogul. The CV Brake Re-Line Approval                                       As well using the show to launch the
        scheme will establish a network of ap-  J UST WRITE TO THE EDITOR      company’s new one-stop-shop app-
        proved re-line specialists which will be  (care of Melanie Marchant) and,  lications guide combining all AE and
        audited annually to achieve bronze, sil-  as long as you’re not actually sin-  Payen product, it also announced the
        ver or gold award standard in brake re-  gling out an individual for criti-  introduction of an extended range of
        line servicing. Marketing director, Ken  cism (which should be dealt with  Payen headbolts and displayed a revised
        Ford, explained, “We intend our approved  through the proper channels),  range of AE and Payen trouble tracer
        award rating to be regarded as an indus-  we’ll publish it.            charts, the popular fault-finding,
        try-recognised standard.”  ❖                                           diagnostic and solution charts.  ❖

                        Survey Helps

                              Shape Our

             Customer Service

                           UK Leads The Way On

                             Talking To Customers

           ustomer satisfaction is the single most important focus
        Cfor the business.
            One of the first actions put in place under the key goals
        plan was to create a customer survey to find out what they  poor service find other ways to express their opinions – like
        think of the service we provide.                     walking away.
            Survey two results show an increase against each category  Does that make the survey invalid then? Well, yes and no.
        compared with survey one – a small increase it’s true but, in  It’s better than nothing – and the other European LDCs have
        the right direction.                                 seen what Bradford is doing and realise they need to follow suit
                 Sounds good, but life’s never that simple. The fact is,  – and one thing it tells us very clearly is that we need to find a
      6      far too few customers are returning the surveys and, of  better way to ask the questions.
                                                                 Perhaps a telephone survey.  Perhaps face-to-face inter-
             the ones who do, the feeling is that they are from cus-
             tomers who already like us. Customers who have had
                                                             views. Have you any ideas?
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