Page 24 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 24

Bradford United News - Issue 3

                                             By Sue Benecke
                                                THE BIG NEWS
                                                 FROM SPORTS
                                                   AND SOCIAL
                                                     MONTH is
                                                      the 100
                                                       pairs of
                                                        which                         Welcome Call
                                                        we have
                                                        to give          There have been a raft of new starters
                                                        away to          (denoted *) and temp positions made permanent
                                                        the              since the last newsletter was published. So,
                                                        Federal-         welcome to the following:-
                                                      sponsored             David Belcher  warehouse & assembly
                                                  BTCC race day             Tony Bellwood*  warehouse manager
                                  at Donington on July 30th.                Pam Betts*    IT – software support analyst
                                 We’re also running special coaches to      Martin Booth  warehouse & assembly
                           Donington - £2 to non-members but free to S & S  Paul Buckle   warehouse & assembly
                         members. If you’re making your own way there, the  Diane Crossley*  human resources assistant
                      first BTCC race starts at 12.00 but for keen fans, warm-
                  ups begin at 9.30.                                        Kelly Dominik  warehouse & assembly
                 The next big event this year will be the annual school     Dawn Greenhalgh  perpetual stock inventory
           holiday trip to Lightwater Valley – August 19 . This has always  Sarah Heaney  warehouse & assembly
           proved to be a big-time hit with our members’ children so make   Susan Hicks*  finance – purchase clerk
           sure you get in soon if you want to be sure of a place.          Julie Hurley  warehouse & assembly
               The club has gone from strength to strength since the new club  Jocelyn Johnston  warehouse & assembly
           room was opened. The snooker and pool tables are now so popular  Anne Thornton  warehouse & assembly
           that we’ve had to introduce a rota system, bar profits are up, the  Michael Waddington warehouse & assembly
           weekly draw now has over 700 on the grid but, best of all is the soaring  Julia Walsh  warehouse & assembly
           membership which has almost doubled.                             Gary West     warehouse & assembly
               A reminder that the suggestions box is not just so for whoever it
           is that wants us to introduce Taylor’s beer. If we have to cancel
           something through lack of interest it wastes everyone’s time, wastes
           money and isn’t popular. So, come on, make with the suggestions!

         Prize Crossword – No 001    *** Win a Watch ***

                                                                    FOR THOSE CROSSWORD FREAKS AMONGST YOU,
                                                                    here's something to fill up the odd few minutes over the
                                                                    lunch break and offer you the chance to win a Champion
                                                                    sports watch.
                                                                       Make sure you fill in the details of your name and
                                                                    department, and then hand your crossword entries either
                                                                    to Emma Bannister in the warehouse or to Diane Crossley
                                                                    in HR.   ENTRIES TO BE RETURNED BY SEPT 1ST, 2000.
                                                                    Name: ......................................................................
                                                                    ACROSS                 DOWN
                                                                     5 In the Midst of (5)   1 Normal (5)
                                                                     8 Framework (8)         2 Trifling (5)
                                                                     9 Philander (5)         3 God (5)
                                                                    10 Capacity (8)          4 Sausage in a roll (3, 3)
                                                                    11 Lesser (5)            6 Hat maker (8)
                                                                    14 Farmhouse cooker (3)  7 Addictive drug (8)
                                                                    16 Unfruitful (6)       12 Kitchen utensil (8)
                                                                    17 Traditional Scottish language (6) 13 Annoy, pester (8)
                                                                    18 Double act (3)       14 Also (3)
                                                                    20 Pungent (5)          15 In the past (3)
                                                                    24 Sliver of wood (8)   19 Referee (6)
                                                                    25 Talk show host ___ Winfrey (5) 21 Actor and singer ___ Nail (5)
                                                                    26 First performance (8)  22 Aquatic mammal (5)
                                                                    27 Insinuate (5)        23 Gluttony (5)
      8                                  Federal-Mogul Aftermarket UK Ltd,  Greyhound Drive,  Off Legroms Lane,  Bradford  BD7 1NQ

                                         Design and production
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