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Bradford United News - Issue 3

                                                                                Buffets Extend

                                     JIMMY WHITE                                Invite List
                                     JIMMY WHITE
                                     JIMMY WHITE
                                     JIMMY WHITE
                                     JIMMY WHITE
                                                                                Informal Meetings
                                                                                Gathering Momentum
                                                                                     S PART OF THE GENERAL MOVE
                                                                                     to open up new opportunities
                                                                                A   for employees and senior
                                                                                managers to meet and talk, in January
                                                                                the company introduced the idea of
                                                                                monthly birthday buffets.

            HIS NOVEMBER, Jimmy White
        T will celebrate 30 years of service
            with the company.

            Of course, not all of those years have
        been under the Federal-Mogul banner.
        When Jimmy joined – back in the dark
        ages of the last century, otherwise known
        as November 1970 – the Legrams Lane
        site was an empty shell.
            Jimmy remembers trying to work
        whilst the inside of the building was
        literally being installed around him. “AE
        Auto Parts, as it was then, was busy
        moving in racking and various other
        equipment from its original Foster Square
        site. Then, later on we became Turner &
        Newall and now, Federal-Mogul.”
            Born during the second world war –  children, Adrienne and Geogiana who
        he jokes that it was actually on Ilkley  have now presented the couple with two
        Moor but is prepared to admit that there  grand-children, Jemima and Evangeline)  David Beattie and Beryl Robinson cutting the birthday cake.
        might have been a nursing home involved  is a keen gardener.
        – Jimmy grew up in Bradford. He left   With two allotments though, it can  Birthday guests and a number of hosting
        school at 15 and went into the wool trade  be hard work. “But it’s a totally different  directors get together over a healthy spread
        like so many other people living in  kind of work, relaxing somehow, no  of food and talk about whatever is on their
        Yorkshire during those years. “All totally  matter how hard the graft is, and I get  minds, whether that’s Bradford City’s chances
        gone now. I wasn’t much cop at it so I  fresh, home-grown vegetables for the  or the picking target.
        left and joined the merchant navy to see  family and one or two friends and some  So far, these sessions have been well
        the world.                          nice flowers out of it. You could also say  received, however there has been some
            “Actually, I did see quite a bit of it.  I enjoy a pint or two and I’m a member  concern over selection. The basis of the
        Canada, which I loved, and the USA, but  of a games league – strictly sitting down  invitation list was everyone celebrating a
        mostly the European coastal routes. Then  stuff, my active playing days (Jimmy used  birthday in any given month but, to keep the
        I did a stint on the UK coastal routes,  to play in the amateur local football  numbers manageable, initially invitations
        mostly Dundee, Belfast, Ayr – but that  league) are definitetly over.” ❖  were restricted to the first 12 birthday names
        wasn’t so interesting so I came out of the                              out of the hat as a random selection.
        navy and did a series of odd jobs, in                                      Those not selected would have been
        Office, until I came to Legrams Lane in Auld Lang Syne                  automatic invites the next time round but
        shops, various textile firms, the Post
                                                                                some people felt this still wasn’t fair. So we’re
        1970.”                                                                  changing the selection. Even in those months
            Jimmy has worked in just about every  ive long service employees,   where the numbers celebrating birthdays is
        part of the warehouse but, just recently,  Fwho between them have       quite high, the feeling is that additional
        is back in his favourite job – training other  clocked up 155 years of service,  numbers shouldn’t be a problem. From now
        people.  Now responsible for the whole  were honoured at a special      onwards, every birthday employee in each
        raft of training – from general induction,                              month will be invited.  ❖
        through health and safety, to specific job  celebration dinner in May.
        training – Jimmy is also responsible for
        putting together formal training plans to  Presentations at the 32  25 Year Service dinner were made to David Lloyd (sales)
        ensure that training is properly scheduled  with 25 years’ service and to Richard Bion (export), Geoff Potts (sales), Adrian Walkley
        and fits with the overall company   (sales) and Charles Waddell (sales) who were each celebrating 30 years’ service.
        objectives.                            Two other thirty-year service men of record but who were not at the ceremony
                                            were Bill Torrance (sales) and Trevor Wardman (warehouse).
            “I love it, always have.”          Always a high point was the opportunity for colleagues to meet up with long-
                                            servers who have subsequently retired and there was much reminiscing about the
                 Outside work, Jimmy, who is  years before Federal-Mogul acquired the company. This is the first year that employees
      4      married to Pam (who came to work  from Champion have been included in the dinner.
                                               Matt Pohlman, general manager of European LCD logistics, was guest speaker
             in Assembly in 1982, her first full-
             time job after having their two  for the evening. Hosting directors were David Beattie, Richard Allen and Ian Fleming. ❖
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