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Issue 3 - Bradford United News
                                                     ISSUE 3, JULY 2000

           Putting Federal-Mogul Aftermarket UK in the Pictur e




        Peak Condition

            Cancer Charity Benefits           Bradford Man Wins
           TEVEN FATTY, a member of the             Inventor Award
        Swarehouse logistics team, has recently
        completed the Three Peaks Challenge and     RODUCT MARKETING MANAGER, Bryan Knott, was recently honoured
        raised £600 for the Marie Curie Cancer Care   at the second annual European Inventor awards ceremony, held in
        charity in the process.             P
            In some of the worst June weather for   Remscheid in Germany.
        years, 27 intrepid climbers turned out for the  Bryan has invented a system  Alan Begg, vice president of
        first climb, all 3,560 feet of Mount Snowden  called ‘Brake Alert’ – an electronic  technology, explained. “Technically
        in Wales, at the gritty hour of 00.49am. The  warning system fitted to commercial  advanced products are the keys to the
        fog was so thick on top that contestants could  vehicles which indicates when the brake  future or our business. The exceptional
        not even see their hands in front of them. But  linings are worn to the minimum safe  talent we have in the company continues
        then, they weren’t there for the scenery!  level.                      to generate a wealth of innovative ideas.
            Next stop was Scafell Pike in the Lake  The awards are the visible face of  The patents we have had granted are a
        District. The 3,209 feet were made more  Federal-Mogul’s strategy to underpin the  very visible reflection of the great work
        challenging by the 25mph-an-hour winds and  strength of its brands by demonstrating  that goes on in our technical centres
        continuous rain but, with Ben Nevis in  the depth of its technological excellence  across the world in developing new
        Scotland still ahead of them, there was no  and entrepreneurial spirit.  products and processes.” ❖
        time to spare. At 4,408 feet, Ben Nevis is
        Britain’s highest peak.
            Steven, a keen walker, is a member of
        the Outdoor Pursuits Club. Once the blisters  UK Wins European
        from the June climb have healed he’s planning
        on taking on the Four Peaks Challenge, which
        adds Slieve Donard in Ireland to the first three.
            Steven’s chosen charity, the Marie Curie  Accolades
        Cancer Care, provides specialist care to cancer                        For the full story turn to page 2
        sufferers in their own homes. ❖

           WHAT’S INSIDE

               THIS ISSUE?

          Quarter Two Results  – page 3
          Council Surgery      – page 3

          Watch Out!           – page 3

          Spotlight on Jimmy White – page 4

          Survey Results    – page 6 & 7
                                            Chris Goodwin, European general manager marketing, Salvatore Nicchi, sales director for
          Prize Crossword      – page 8     Southern Europe, and Mauro Parisi, European general manager aftermarket LDCs receiving  1
                                            the accolades at the GAU conference in Biarritz.
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