Page 22 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 22

Bradford United News - Issue 3

                                                       Second Survey Shows

                                                        Disappointing Trend

                                                                      Overall Index Down

                                                                          o-one is going to pretend that the
           HAVING YOUR SAY                                                recent survey results are any-

           Do you have something you want to                       N thing but disappointing.
           get off your chest? Is there an issue
            which is burning you up? Do you                        Perhaps the most disappointing aspect is the still very low turn-
            grind your teeth with frustration                      out – only 76 responses. Some head-in-the-sand people might
           because no-one’s listening to you?                      say that that means the response is just too low to be mean-
                                                                   ingful but, at the very least, that would be to ignore the 76 who
                                                                   did bother. Much more dangerous, however, is that it would
          W    ELL, DON'T JUST SIT THERE,                          ignore the fact that reluctance to take part in such surveys
                                                                   tends to mean, at best, apathy, at worst, total disenchantment.
               why don't you write to
                                               First things first, what are the actual    Other people also made the
               BRADFORD UNITED NEWS?
                                            results? The two graphs which follow the   point – again – that they feel asking
               Within reason – swearing is  same format as for the previous survey,    people to identify themselves by de-
            out and we do have to abide by  cut the results by question category and   partmental location will make it
            the libel laws – we’ll print any  also by department group but also show     possible to identify actual individu-
                                                                                         als. The intention is not –
                                            Q2 results as a direct comparison to the Q1
            letter, even the critical ones.  results. The overall site index has gone down  AND NEVER HAS BEEN
               Emma Bannister, secretary    from 56.5 to 51.4.                          – to attempt to identify
            to Council, and Diane Crossley     Some people have made the point that     individual employees.
            of HR have both agreed to act as  they’d like to see some of the survey questions  The only rea-
            a post-box for anyone wanting   themselves changed – either because they think  son in asking for
            to get something into  Bradford  they are a bit complicated or else are confusing.  departmental  info is to try
            United News – maybe a letter or  We’re not ignoring these comments but, if we  and pinpoint if one section
            maybe a story you think needs   change the questions in mid-stream, it wouldn’t  of people is getting different
            telling – so write (or e-mail) or  be possible directly to compare one set of results  treatment from another. If the
            ring them (ext. 2322 and 2223   with a previous survey. Let’s get a year’s worth  survey shows a big discrepancy
            respectively).                  of results mapped out and then, if people still  in feeling between one depart-
                                            want to change the questions, you’ll have that  ment and another, it begs the
                                            opportunity then.                   question – what’s different?

        Safety First . . .

        Long In the Tooth But Fit With It

                                                                                World Weary

                                                                                 Globe On The Brink
                                                                                   EPAIRS TO THE LANDMARK GLOBE
                                                                                Rwhich has adorned the skyline above
                                                                                the Legrams Lane site for more than three
                                                                                decades, have proved more problematical
              he Goods Inwards team think they have                             than originally believed.
                                                                                   The globe, which should already have
        Tsomething to shout about. And they’re right.                           been back in its place, probably won’t be
        After clocking up 1400 days without a reportable accident, Chris Nightingale, Michael  making an appearance now until the end
             Sunderland, John Kerr, Les Alderson and Fred Wilkinson are hoping that their  of July.
             effort will help Federal-Mogul Bradford to better its health and safety score.
                                                                                   Keep your eyes peeled as it should
      6      service between them, and Chris Nightingale has never had a single day off  be quite some operation to get the ball,
                 The five-strong Goods Inwards team has more than  hundred years’ of
                                                                                which weighs in excess of 1200 Kg, back
             sick since he joined in 1983. ❖                                    on the roof.  ❖
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