Page 23 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 23
Issue 3 - Bradford United News
tasked, as a matter of priority, with searching
out the reasons for this dissatisfaction.
Good employee morale is probably the
single most important factor in the continued
success of a service-based business. If YOU
think work stinks, the chances are that that
attitude is going to rub off – even without you
intending it – onto customers. That has to
Some of you are fed up – we
know because you say so – with
filling out survey forms but it really
only takes a few minutes and it
is quite a direct way of
showing which areas
of the business
aren’t as good as they
could be. But it’s not the only way by
any means, talk to your Council rep,
raise issues at the monthly brief-
ings, make yourself heard
at Start-the- Week Meets,
bang on David Beattie’s door, kick the cat –
but don’t just sit there and take it.
You can make a difference – but not if
you don’t make a noise.
Besides, it’s entirely your choice; if you’re bothered then just don’t disclose your depart- The next survey will not be until Novem-
ment. Also, in order to circulate the comments sheets, only the back sheet is photo-copied so ber – yes, we’ve going from quarterly to six-
there is no departmental indicator. What’s more, you could even substitute a typewritten monthly because of the feeling that you’re
sheet for the, currently hand-written, back page comments sheet. getting too many surveys. This time, to make
Identifying anyone is simply not the point. absolutely sure no-one gets missed out, it will
Now, the nitty gritty. What do the results say? Well, you can see that for yourselves – and the come out with the pay packets. Please take
full results (which show the breakdown of each department’s rating against each category) and the just a few minutes to have your say – even if
comments pages are available from HR or from Alan Wood, Council chairman. it’s just, ‘push off!”. ❖
Although some departments did express an overall improvement in their satisfaction
rating – and, funnily enough, it was the
anonymous bunch who seemed most happy
– only in Commercial could the improvement
be said to be really of any significant margin.
The overall variance in Commercial com-
paring Q2 against Q1 was +6.8, but the real
increase in satisfaction rating was in the area
of skills development which went from 61.0
to 75.4, a variance of +14.4. This was prob-
ably down to the fact that much work has
been done over the past couple of months in
improving pc skills.
The sales team showed the biggest nega-
tive variance between Q2 and Q1 at -14.9,
with P & S not far behind with a negative vari-
ance of -12.5. Unfortunately, and this is
where the very small number of responses
does make it difficult to know how best to
interpret the results, the previous sales team
rating was from only four responses, whereas
the Q2 rating was from nine responses. Does
that actually mean the satisfaction rating re-
ally has gone down or are the original four
just as happy but they’ve now been swamped
by five other voices who aren’t happy?
Conversely – but the problem of accurate
comparison is the same – the total replies from
warehouse plummeted (18 in Q1 but only 5 in
Q2) so the variance between Q2 at 46.9 and Q1
at 56.2 (a negative variance of -9.3) is, again, Calling All Holiday Makers
fairly difficult to interpret accurately.
It’s dangerous to second-guess such an
important issue but, rest assured, the one
overriding message – and here no second- HE GOOD NEWS is that the summer holidays are nearly here.
guessing is necessary – is that, overall, we’re TThe even better news is that the company has made a deal
not doing so good on the satisfaction index. which offers employees attractive rates for holidays and travel
Some of the additional comments made are
pretty strong and reinforce a general feeling arrangements.
that things aren’t improving, or, at least, not
fast enough. If you’re planning a holiday which or even tailor-made holidays – just call
So, what’s the answer? First off, every- you would normally book through a high Corporate Travel International’s
one – whether you bothered to fill out a sur- street travel agent – inclusive holidays, Leisure Department on: 7
vey form or not – should know that each di- flight only, care hire, insurance, weekend 01482 22 89 94.
rector has a full copy of the results and is breaks, rail, ferry, long-haul, short haul