Page 15 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 15

Issue 2 - Bradford United News

    What You Say

        First Local Survey Puts Stake In Ground

             FTER A SLIGHTLY SHAKY START, the results of the
        Afirst local version of the employee survey are in.
            Why shaky? Because up to the first deadline, only 65 people had
        responded. After an extension, that had crept up to 76. Still not great – it’s
        only just over a 25% returns rate - but, the only measurable approval
        standard we’ve got against the category question – benefits,
        communications, leadership, morale and skills development.
                                                               Of course, apathy
                                                           sends its  own mes-
                                                           sage and it is one that
                                                           has been received and
                                                            understood. The ac-  Ann Wright & Yvonne Whittaker.
                                                            tual number of re-
                                                            turns says as much
                                                            about how people feel  Charity Begins
                                                            as the ratings and
                                                            comments of those
                                                            people who were pre-     At Home
                                                            pared to take the time
                                                            to complete the form      Teddy Raises
                                                            and it will be a meas-
                                                            ure of the company’s    Money For BEN
                                                            progress in this area
                                                            if that overall number
                                                            of returns increases      ith the help of a giant,
                                                            as we get deeper into  Wwhite teddy bear,
                                                            the year.
            Because this is the first survey – we cannot compare with the Federal-Mogul receptionist Ann Wright has
        corporate survey of last year because that asked different questions – these results raised £100 in support of BEN,
        themselves are most useful as a benchmark against which to judge future progress.  the occupational charity for
            One interesting fact that did emerge was the difference in approval ratings between
        departments – which is precisely why we asked people to indicate their department people who work in our motor
        and not as an underhand way of identifying individual respondents as some surmised.  industry.
                                                               European person-
                                                            nel stand out as being  BEN’s area representative, Yvonne
                                                            significantly  less  Whittaker, who had only recently visited
                                                            happy than just about  the Legrams Lane site as a guest of
                                                            everyone else and that  Council to ask the company to consider
                                                            is a message which  becoming a corporate sponsor of BEN,
                                                            has gone to the Euro-  was delighted to be asked to return to
                                                            pean powers-that-be  accept the donation
                                                            and is something       Altogether, BEN helped around
                                                            we’re also trying to  10,000 people during 1999 at a cost of
                                                            address on site. The  £8 million - and it’s growing - but it
                                                            next least happy   relies entirely on voluntary donations
                                                            bunch are the anony-  and fund-raising. A major element of its
                                                            mous ones, with every  funding comes from corporate
                                                            other department,  donations from the manufacturing and
                                                            more or less hitting the  retailing organisations.
                                                            average feeling.       Previously, both Champion and
                                                               Cutting the results  T&N have been corporate sponsors of
                                                            by categories, the  BEN but, with the acquisition by
                                                            highest scoring was  Federal-Mogul, that commitment has
        leadership at 61.5 against the average of 56.5. (from the associated comments, most  lapsed and it’s money that BEN can ill-
        people were referring here to their immediate bosses) and then morale at 59.4. The  afford to lose. If you think your company
        lowest scoring category was benefits at 50.9, then communications at 54.3 and skills  should actively support BEN, tell your
        development at 56.3 – all below the site average.                      Council representative to lobby the
            Overall, the response was one of – guarded – optimism. Things aren’t great but  management.
        they’re not too bad either with an average approval rating of 56.5% across the site.  But don’t just let it stop there, you
            But there is absolutely no room for complacency. The survey is  no more than a  can also elect to support BEN
        fairly rough and ready barometer of whether, as a business, we’re succeeding in  individually through payroll giving
        making employees feel good about working here. The first sign that we’re on the  (ask Mark Gordon) or help people
        right track is to get more than a 25% return on the next employee survey due in  like Ann Wright by supporting  7
        May.  ❖                                                                fund-raising events. ❖
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