Page 203 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 203

Lodge of the Nine Muses               203

             DATE          NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
             1856 Dec. 9   SOLOMON, Nathaniel L.   Merchant  County Club
                           First referred to as seconding
                           Tweeddale for initn;, 9.12.56,
                           so must have been member
                           then; no minute of election.
                           W.M. ‘68; R. 14.2.74; d. ‘74.
                           Noted as abroad (? St. Helena)
                           ‘60-‘61. (SJ 1850)
             1857 Feb. 10  I  TWEEDDALE, Wm. R.   Merchant  41 Cambridge
                           10.2.63.                         St., Hyde Pk. and
                                                            Michael’s Alley,
             1858 Mar. 9  I  SHARKEY, P. Burroughs.    Solicitor  18 Abingdon St.,
                           R.. 12.2.61.                     Westminster
             1858 Mar. 9  I  OAKLEY, Richd Banner.          Oswaldpark Hall,
                           R. 8.11.64. W.M. ‘61. Really     Yorks.
                           Oswaldkirk of which R. B.
                           O. was the Squire. Gill’s Vallis
                           Eboracensis, ‘52, names R. B. O. as
                           then a minor (SJ 1861)
             1858 Mar. 9  J  THOMPSON,James. (Late L.   Ship broker  Kilburn Hs. Tulse
                           929.) W.M. ’64.·(SJ 1862)        Hill
             1859 Feb. 8  I  RASCH, Oswald Lee. W.M. 62     Stock Exchange
                           R. 14.2.65.
             1859 Feb. 8  I  WHEATLEY, Fredk. Wm.           20 Gt.
                           M.D. “Abroad” ‘60-‘61            Marlborough St.
             1859 Dec. 13  I  PEZZl, Alexander. Otherwise   Professor of Music  190 Harriet St.,
                           Alessandro Pezze. b. Milan, ‘35;   Lowndes Square
                           Eminent ‘cellist. Came to Her
                           Majesty’s Theatre, ‘57. Toured
                           with Tietjens and with Santley.
                           Succeeded Piatti as professor
                           of the ‘cello at R.A.M. ‘73. d.
                           1914. Pezze was rather vain of
                           keeping a youthful appearance
                           when well on in years. His
                           dark hair remained thick and
                           glossy, and he confided to
                           Santley the secret - the daily
                           use of a spoonful of his native
                           olive oil. Verb. sap. Sat.
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