Page 206 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 206

206                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1869 Apl. 13  J  BIGG, H. Heather. Studied    56 Wimpole St
                            at St.
                            George’s Hospital; Surgical
                            Instrument Maker; made
                            substitute limbs for victims
                            of Crimean war. Wrote on
                            artificial limbs & treatment of
                            deformities. W.M. No. 1, ‘69;
                            W.M. ‘71. b. ‘26; d. ‘81
               1869 May Il  J  FOX, Edwin. W.M. 72. d.       Rosemont,
                            30·3·91                          Finchley.
               1870 May 10  I  ROB1NSON, Henry. W.M. ‘75     7 Westminster
                            R.8.12·91.                       Chambers
               1870 May 10  J  EMANUEL, Emanuel. (Late       20 Westboume
                            Portsmouth L. 487.) W.M. ‘74.    Square
                            Reported 12.13.93 as having
                            ceased to be a member.
               1871 Feb. 14  J  ROSS, Geo. E. Augustus. (West
                            Kent L. 1297.) W.M. ‘76. R.
               1871 Nov. 14  I  CARLYON-SIMMONS,             2 Kensington
                            Geo. Francis. Lieut. E.          Gardens Sq.
                            Kent Militia, ‘58; Lt. Col.
                            ‘86. Resigned with rank of
                            Hon. Col. ‘90. Dropped the
                            “ Simmons” between ‘78 &
                            ‘82. Sec. ’72 to 4; Treas. 73
                            to-81; W.M. ‘80; Country
                            Mem. ‘83; R. 11.4·93
               1872 May 14  I  WALLER, Charles               Sydenham
               1872 May 14  I  CUTBILL, WaIter               Laurie Park,
               1872 May 14  J  SEARES, John Newton.
                            (Holland L: of New York.)
                            Init. in this, one of the oldest
                            and most distinguished
                            of American L.s, 13.9.58;
                            described then as Merchant,
                            born and residing in New
                            York. b. ca. 1830; d .
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