Page 198 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 198

198                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1832 Jan. 14  *HARVEY. R. 13.11.32. Not  Stock broker  Regent Terr. City
                            in any list; date of initiation   Rd.
                            or joining unknown. (SJ
               1832 Dec. 11  J  ANDERTON,James (late   Attorney-at aw  7 New Bridge St.
                            St. Peter’s L. Peterborough).
                            Common Councilman,
                            Farringdon Without, ‘36-
                            ‘68; Under-sheriff several
                            times; founded Solicitors’
                            Benevolent Instn. ‘58. b. nr.
                            Lincoln, 1782; d. 1868. R.
               1832 Dec. 11  I  WHITSED, Dr. John. W.M.      Southampton Row
                            ‘36. Founder and 1st W.M., L.
                            of United.Good Fellowship,
                            Wisbech, ‘60. Mayor of
                            Wisbech, ‘45 and ‘51. d. ‘62
               1832 Dec. 11  I  MACDOUGAL, Wm.   Barrister-at-law  Stone Buildings,
                            Called to Bar, Lincoln’s Inn,    Lincoln’s Inn.
                            ‘25; not in Law List after ‘36;
                            b. ca. 1800.
               1833 Feb.12  I  WOOLLS, Aubrey Lewis.
                            Tower of London 1st Regt.
                            If in Army apparently did
                            not hold commission. R.
                            11.2.34, “on account of his
                            promotion and removal to a
                            distant part of the Kingdom”.
               1833 Feb.12  I  BOILEAU, Simeon John. b.   Barrister-at-law  7 Charlotte, St.,
                            Calcutta, 1799; called to Bar,   Bloomsbury Sq.
                            Lincoln’s Inn, ‘26; practised    and Lincoln’s Inn.
                            at Madras; not in Law List
                            after ‘57
               1833 Feb.12  J  CREW, Francis. Sec. 36-  Librarian  27 Lambs
                            61; Sec R .. Masonic Inst.       Conduit Street
                            for Girls, 41-61; W:M., G.
                            Master’s L., 28; 1st W.M.
                            Hertford L., 29; R. 62 ( ?).
                            d.7 . (SJ 1892)
               1833Dec. 19  I  VALE, J. S.; Sec. 31-3. d. ‘41  Stock broker  Stock Exchange
                            (?). Probable donor of Tyler’s
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