Page 207 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
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Lodge of the Nine Muses               207

             DATE          NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
             1873 Mar. 11  I  BEVINGTON, Timothy            Coombe Side,
                                                            West Hill,
             1873 Apl. 8   MUGGERIDGE, Henry.               11 Downham Rd.
                            Elected as H.M. b. ‘11; d. ‘98;   Islington
                           Preceptor, Stability Lodge
                           of Instruction, ‘51-’85. . (SJ
             1873 Nov. II  J  WEBB, WaIter. b. ‘42; initiated  Solicitor.
                           in Britannic L. No. 33, ’66;
                           W.M. ‘77 & ‘84; Sec. ‘80/83
                           & ‘86-1921. P.G.D. ‘97;
                           P.J.G.W. Surrey, ‘87. Elec.
                           HM. 11.12.17; d. 30·3·1938,
                           aged 95. Author of A
                           Centennial Sketch if the History
                           of the Lodge of the Nine Muses,
                           ‘77; presented portrait of
                           Cipriani, ‘78
             1874 Feb. IO  I  STAPLES, Henry. R. 12.2.84    Dartmouth Villa,
                                                            Belsize Park.
             1875 Feb. 9  J  HEWETT, Edward Hyde.   H.M. Consular   36 Oakley St.,
                           (Royal ‘Athelstan L.) Death   Service  London
                           reported 10.12·91. Treas.
                           ‘75-‘77. W.M. ’78. (SJ 1861)
             1875 Mar. 9  J  PAYNE, John Horne.     Barrister-at Law  8 King’s Bench
                           (South Saxon L.) W.M. ‘79;       Walk, Temple
                           reported 12.12.93 as having
                           ceased to be a member.
             1875 Mar. 9  I  GREEN, Geo. Sangster. Called  Barrister-at Law  Chapel Staircase,
                           to Bar, ‘69. W.M. ‘81. R 9.12.98   LincoIn’s Inn
                           d. 3.2.1917, aged 75
             1875 Dec. 14  I  FITZROY, Robt. O’Brien.   Captain RN.  Army & Navy
                           77-8 in E. Mediterranean         Club, Pall Mall.
                           watching Russo-Turkish war;
                           ‘82, Egypt with Naval Brigade
                           under Wolseley; at Tel-el-Kebir;
                           C.B. for services in Egypt, ‘82;
                           Admiral Superintendent N.
                           Reserve, ‘91; Rear Admiral, ‘88;
                           Vice Admiral, ‘94. b. 39; d. 96
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