Page 208 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 208

208                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1876 Mar. 14   J  WILDY, Augustus Saml.   Stockbroker  II6 Regents Park
                            (Globe L. No. 73) W.M. ’82; R
               1877 Feb. 13  J  KINCAID, Joseph. (Late   Civil Engineer  Gt. George St.,
                            Britannic L. 33.) W.M. ‘87;      Westminster
                            Presented cigar-box, ‘87. d.
                            20.8.1907. (SJ 1899)
               1877 Feb. 13  J  . BATTEN, James Brend. (P.M.  Solicitor  Gt. George St.,
                            Britannic L. 33.) W.M. ‘90. d.   Westminster
                            26.8.97 at Hamburg.
               1877 Feb. 13  I  JONES, Thos. Ridge, M.D. R   19 Chapel Street,
                            10.2.80                          Belgrave Square
               1877 Feb. 13  I  NIXEY, Wm. Geo. Esq. R       66 Piccadilly
               1877 May 22  I  CHOWN, Thos. Collingwood      29 Pembroke
                            Esq. R·9.12·90.                  Gardens, W
               1877 May 22  I  VICKERS, Geo. E. d. Jan. 89.  Sheffield
               1877 May 22  J  MAXWELL, Lt. Col. Geo.        2nd Tower Hamlets
                            Shirley. In regular Army, 4th    Militia
                            and 20th Regts. of Foot, ‘49-
                            ‘54. Hon. Col. 5th Battn. Rifle
                            Brigade, ‘89. Sec.’ 78-9. R.
               1877 May 22  J  ROLFE, Ernest Neville.   Lieut. RN
                            (Scotch  L. 398.) Commdr. ‘79;
                            Capt. ‘84; Rear Admiral ‘89;
                            with Naval Brigade, Ashanti,
                            ‘74; mentioned in despatches;
                            under Hewett at El Teb, ‘84
                            and on Niger, ‘76. P.S.G.D.
                            1901. b. 1847; d.
               1878 Feb. 12  I  HARRISON, Wm. English.       33 Kensington Sq.
                            K.C.; Bencher, Middle
                            Temple; six years Chairman
                            of the Bar Council, and many
                            times a Commissioner of
                            Assize; W.M. ‘85; P.Dep.G.R.
                            1901; R. & elected H.M.
                            12.11.1908; d. 24.12.1933
               1879 Feb. 11  J  PULESTON, John Henry.   M.P  Westminster
                            W.M. ‘83; R. 11.2.90             Palace Hotel
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