Page 205 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 205

Lodge of the Nine Muses               205

             DATE          NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
             1862 Apl. 8  I  HOLT, Geo. Wells. W.M. ‘66.    St. Michael’s
                                                            Chambers Cornhill
             1864 Feb. 9  J  GIDEON, Henry Hamer.           8 London Street
                           (Late St. Helena L. 718.) W.M.
                           ‘67. R. 9.11.75; d. 16.11.88
             1865 Feb. 14  I  RASCH, Fredk. Chas. Lewis.    of Lloyds and
                           R. 9.2.69. “Rasch was a          25 Palmeira Sq.,
                           languishing dandy who left       Brighton
                           everything to his clerks. He
                           dawdled down to the Royal
                           Exchange about noon from
                           his suite in the West End. He
                           was known to me chiefly as a
                           man, who by report had some
                           five and-twenty frock-coats
                           of faultless cut hung about his
                           dressing-room, and had his fair
                           hair dressed and curled every
                           other day in Bond Street.”
                           Guildhall Memories, A. G. Temple,
             1868 Nov. 10  I  GEROTHWOHL, Benedict          Craven St., Strand
                           Sigismond. R. 8.11.70.           and St. Ann’s Sq.,
             1868 Dec. 8  J  JONES; Robt. Wallen. (P.M. St.   7 Ormonde
                           John’s L. Secunderabad.)         Terrace, North
                           W.M. ‘70.                        Gate, Regents
             1869 Apl. 13  I  HESELTINE, Francis Jones.     Address, at
                           Late E. Kent Militia Regt.       his father’s, 40
                           Secunderabad. Sec. ‘71;          Addison Road
                           W.M. 73; Treas. ’32 - 1907.      N.; later 19
                           Presented Loving Cup,            Cambridge Road
                           1899; R. and elected .H.M.,
                           11.11.1908. d. 20.3.1913.
                           No trace in Army List of his
                           having held Commission
             1869 Apl. 13  J  MaCULLOCH, Hugh               7 Melcombe
                           Bowie (Kilwinning L. No.         Place, Dorset
                           4, late S.W. St. George L.       Square, Glasgow
                           Bombay.) R. 14.2.71
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