Page 202 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 202

202                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1851 Feb. 11  I  WINSLOW, Forbes, MD.         Cavendish Sq..
                                                             Albermarl St.
                            M.R.C.S. Eng. ‘35;
                            M.D. Aberdeen, ‘49; . (SJ 1854)
                            Hon. D.C.L Oxon. 53.
                            Alienist; made life-long study
                            of insanity and wrote various
                            works on it; pioneer of
                            modern methods of regarding
                            and treating the insane; from
                            ‘47 ran private hospitals at
                            Hammersmith. Appeared as
                            expert witness in many cases
                            on pleas of insanity. b. ‘10;
                            d. ‘74
               1852 May 11  I  TULLOCH, James Stewart,       Pembridge Pl,
                            M.D W.M. ‘57 and ‘58. R.         Westbourne Grove.
                            14.2.65 .
                            (SJ 1854)
               1852 Dec. 14  J  CLAYTON, James Haviland.   Solicitor  4 Hare Court,
                            (Late St. Alban’s L. No. 36.)    Temple
                            R. 14.11.54
               1853 Feb. 8  I  GRAUTOFF,Albert Esq.          Billiter Sq.
               1853 Dec. 13  I  TILSTON, Joseph Esq.         10 Young Street,
                            R. 12.2.61.                      Kensington
               1854 Mar. 14   J  JOLLEY, Thomas (Grand   Gent.  35  Burton Ct.
               or Apl. 11   Master’s Lodge, No. 1). “Hon.
                            Joiniing Member”, probably
                            a professional singer. Date of
                            election not minuted. . (SJ
               1854 Dec. 12  I  TUI\NBULL, WaIler. R.   Parliamentry Agent  The Grove and
                            12.2.61.                         Fludyer Street,
               1855 May 8  I  MARTIN, John Luis de   Esq.    196 Piccadilly
               1856 Mar. 11  J  ADDISON, Jolm (late St.   Civil Engineer  Delahay Street,
                            Thomas’ L. No. 142). R.          Westminster
                            11.2.73. . (SJ 1856)
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