Page 199 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 199

Lodge of the Nine Muses               199

             DATE         NAMES               BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
             1834 Feb. 11  I  CASWALL, Charles. R           Woburn Pl. Russell
                          13.2.38                           Sq.
             1834 Mar 11  J  YATES, Wm. Holt, M.D. (late    50 Wilton Cr.
                          John’s L. Melrose). R 14.2.37.    Belgrave Sq.
             1834 Mar 11  I  COLLINGWOOD, Frederick.
                          J Lodge of Unanimity &
                          Sincerity, Taunton 13.6.38
                          where raised. No mention of
                          him after 1.5.39.
             1834 Apl. 8  I  BARRY, John.     Merchant      19 Montagu St.
                                                            Russell Sq
             1834 Apl. 8  J  BLUNT, Charles John.   Civil Engineer  Gt. Ormond St.
                          Member Royal Inst. of France,
                          late of Parisian LL Les Emules
                          d’Harpocrate et les Rigides
                          Ecossais Thus in minutes,
                          but on the authority of M.
                          le Directeur des Services de
                          l’Institut de France Blunt’s
                          name does not appear in the
                          registers of the Institute of
                          none of the Departments
                          (“Classes”) or Academies of
                          which was he ever a member;
                          but a Blunt is mentioned in
                          the minutes of the Classe des
                          Sciences 21.8.1789, associated
                          with that Nairne, a well-
                          known scientific instrument
                          maker, in connection with
                          a report by the savants.
                          Borda and Bory on the con-
                          struction of a circle used for
                          astronomical purposes. Borda
                          was one of the scientists respon
                          sible for measuring the arc of
                          meridian on which the length
                          of the metre was based, 1792-
             1834 May 13  I  ROWLEY,Robert, M.D             4 King William St.

                          Rj: 9.11.41; W.M. ‘37.
             1834 Nov. 11  J  CATES,John. (W.M. St   Surgeon  66 Margaret St.
                          Thomas’s L. No. 142.)             Cavendish Sq.
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