Page 197 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
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Lodge of the Nine Muses               197

             DATE          NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
             1826 Aug. 29  I  RAWLINS, Ensign Wm.           13 Liverpool St.,
                           Nephew of Sir Wm. Rawlins.       City.
                           Ensign 13th (Somerset) Regt.
                           of Foot, 17.8.26; Lieut. ‘28;
                           Exchd. to 10th (N. Lincs)
                           Regt. of Foot, ‘32; d. 25.12.34,
                           not on active service
             1827 Mar. 6  I  ARDEN, Richard Edwd.           18 Red Lion Sq
                           W.M. ’34; R. 13.11.49.
             1827 Apl. 10  J  AGAR, William (G.M’s.L.   Gentleman  Furnival’s Inn.
                           No.1) R. 12.2.33 (SJ 1826)
             1827 May 8  J  DELISSER, Alexander.   Surgeon  Welbeck Street
                           (G.M’s L. No.1) R 8.2.31; Rj.
                           14.5.39. d. 44, aged 48; buried
                           in Protestant Cemetery at
                        J  VALE, Wm. Isaac.                 I Tokenhouse Yard
             1827 June’5   (L. of Regularity.) Treas. ‘31-
                           ‘33. R 11.3.34 (SJ 1822)
                        I  CRAWFORD, John     Merchant      Furnival’s Inn
             1827 Nov. 13   Lymburner.
                           R 8.2·31
                        J  LA BEAUME, M. (Formerly          131 South’pton
             1828 May 13   of Bedford L.) R 10.2.29.        Row,
                                                            Russell Sq
                        J  SAVORY, Thos. Field.
                           (Jerusalem L.) S.G.D. ‘25.
             1828 Nov. 11
                           Dep. M., P. of W’s. L. ‘35-6,
                           W.M. ‘37-8. d.’47 (SJ 1826)
                        I  ROBERTSON, Erasmus.   Conveyancer  12 Gray’s Inn
             1829 May 12
                           R.!4.12.30.                      Square
                        I  CLEGHORN, Ralph Brush,’   Merchant  St. Kitts, now at 3
             1829 Dec. 8   R, and elected H.M. on return    Cecil St., Strand
                           to W. Indies 8.2.31
                        J  MARGARY, Jno. (late of           Upper Philimore
             1832 Jan. 14
                           Caledonian L.)                   Pl..
                           CLAY, Samuel. (W.M., L. of   Oil Merchant  4 John St.
             1832 Jan. 14
                           Regularity.) (SJ 1826)
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