Page 194 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 194

194                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1815 Mar. 31  I  STRONG, Francis Pemble.   Surgeon  Greenwich.
                            lnit. as H.M.,” being about to
                            depart for Bengal”.
               1816 Feb. 23  J  TYRRELL, Chas.    Architect  Guildhall, London

                            (L. of Harmony.). R. 22.1.19.
               1816 Mar. 22  I  WEBB, Henry    Surgeon       39 Keppell St.,
                                                             Russell Square.
               1816 Nov. 22  I  WILLOUGHBY, Benjamin         13 Clifford’s Inn.

                            Edwd- Solicitor. Rj. 11.12.32.
               1816 Nov. 28  I  TRELAWNY, John. Lt R.N.   R.N.  residing at Spring
                            10.1.1799; Lieut. in command     Gardens Coffee
                            H.M.S. Pelican, 21.8.02,         House
                            retiring from Navy apparently
                            in same year. W. 1819
               1818 Jan. 23  I  GANDY, John Peter, 1787-  Architect  11, Newman St.
                            1850.. , Designed many
                            buildings in London; published
                            Rural Architect ‘05. Took name
                            of Deering on succeeding
                            to property nr. Misssenden,
                            ‘27, and gradually dropped
                            out of practice. R.A. ‘38; M.P.
                            Aylesbury; High Sheriff of
                            Bucks ‘40. b. 1787; d. ‘50
               1818 Mar. 27  J  WATSON, George. (Lodge   Portrait painter
                            of St. John.) b. Berwickshire
                            1767; pupil of Alex Nasmyth
                            & of Reynolds; 1st President of
                            Royal Scottish Academy; d. at
                            Edinburgh ‘37.
               1818 Mar. 27  J  WEBSTER, Alexr.
                            (Lodge of St. John.)
               1818 Mar. 27  I  CORRI, Haydn. “Gone   Music Master  35 Googe Street,
                            abroad”, ‘20. Pianist; of a well-  Tottenham Ct. Rd
                            known musical family. “An
                            esteemed teacher for many
                            years in Dublin.” Settled there
                            ’21; Organist and Choirmaster,
                            R.C. Pro- Cathedral, Dublin,
                            b 1785,’d. 1860
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