Page 192 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 192

192                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
                            Diligent draughtsman; brought
                            back 150 folio volumes of
                            sketches of fauna, flora,
                            manners, religion and
                            archaeology. F.R.S. and F.S.A.
                            His daughter married Compte
                            de Montalembert, an émigré;
                            their son, Charles de M., the
                            Catholic monastic historian,
                            brought up in Forbes’ sole
                            charge. Published Oriental
                            Memoirs, with own illustrations,
                            1813-15, 4 Vols. Interned in
                            France at termination of Peace
                            of Amiens; published Letters
                            from France after return in ‘04.
                            Died at Aix-la-Chapelle in ‘19,
                            on the way to Stuttgart, where
                            Compte de Montalembert was
                            French Ambassador
               1810 Apl. 27  I  WILLOUGHBY, Dobson    Attorney  Clifford’s Inn.

                            R 11 3 23.
               1810 Apl. 27  *LOBATO, E. A. P.
               1810 May. 25  I  MARTINS, Domingo Joze
               1810 July. 10  TEIXEIRA, Honorio Joze
               1810 July. 10  I  PINTO, John Rocha
               1810 Nov 24  I  COSME, Jose de Flos.
               1811 Mar. 20  *HODDER, George.
                            Summons returned by P.O.
                            as “Gone away not known
                            where” 26.4.16.
               1811 Mar. 22  *HARZEN, F. F
               1811 Mar. 22  *RODRIQUES, F. J.
               1811 Mar. 22  *AILLAUD, J. P.
               1811 Apr. 26  PIKE, Christopher John. Sec.   Attorney  New Boswell Ct.
                            ‘18-25.  R. 8.3.25. (SJ 1823)    Carey Street.
               1812 Feb. 24  HOWDEN, Gordon
               1812 Feb. 26  KELSEY, Edward. W. 16   Surveyor  Bury Street
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