Page 190 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 190

190                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1806 Mar. 28  I  WOODTHORPE, Thos. Wm.  Gentleman    Guildhall.
                            Hylock. d .’42. G.A.S. ’11-’13.   (SJ 1802)
               1806 Mar. 28  I  HOLCROFT, William.   Gentleman Do  Royal Artillery.
                            Genltmn Cadet, R.A. 1796;
                            Major ‘12; retd. ‘21. Served
                            in America under Coote,
                            & taken prisoner, 1798; in
                            Holland, 1799; at siege of
                            Copenhagen, ‘07; Commanded
                            Coy .. in America, at battles of
                            Queenstown, Stony Creek &
                            Niagara, ‘13, with great distinc-
                            tion. d. ‘58, aged 80.
               1806 Apl. 25  I  KENNEDY, James, Esq.         Painton Sq. Putney
               1806 Apl. 25  *WOODTHORPE, Henry   Knight     Old Bethlem.
                            J. Town Clerk of London ‘01   (SJ 1809)
                            till his death in ‘25, when his
                            son succeeded him. There
                            seems to have been a clan
                            of Woodthorpes; another,
                            Frederick, was Town Clerk,
                            ‘59-‘73. In a letter soliciting
                            the appointment H. W. writes
                            “from the Protection of the
                            Corporation I have hitherto
                            been enabled to support a
                            numerous Family, and on
                            the Continuance of their
                            Patronage depends our future
                            Comfort”, and, he writes of
                            himself as having been already
                            30 years in the Town Clerk’s
                            office at Guildhall. R. May
                            18l0. d. ‘25.
               1806 Nov. 7  KETTLE, Henry Saml. Esq.         Argyle St.
               1807 Jan. 23                    Wine Merchant. (SJ   Pall Mall.
                            HUSTLER, William
               1807 Mar. 27  * TENETIO. (Signature    Silkman  Goldsmith St.

                            indecipherable.) d. ‘17.
               1807 Apl. 24  I  NOEL, Horan                  Guildhall.
               1807 Apl. 24   I  TARTAROLI, J. Bpte.         Ajaccio
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