Page 196 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 196

196                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1822 Feb. 12   I  ARDEN, Joseph, Esq..        Red Lion Square.
                            Solicitor, G.L.R.; W.M. ‘28-‘29;
                            Treas. ‘36-‘42. Barrister-at-Law,
                            Gray’s Inn, 1840; Bencher,
                            1855; Principal, Clifford’s Inn,
                            1855-9. Published ‘Orations
                            of Hyperides for Lycophron
                            and Euxenippus,’ 1853. b. 1799,
                            d. 1859
               1822 Mar. 12   J  HARPER, Edwards. ? Son   (SJ 1817)  Temple Bar
                            of Thomas Harper, q.v.; G.S.
                            Atholl G.L. before ‘13; Joint
                            G.S. United G.L. ‘13-‘38;
                            W.M.’24-25. R. 9.2.30, “owing
                            to a multiplicity of Masonic
                            engagements” d. ’55.
               1823 Jan. 14   J  UNIACKE, Crofton, Esq.      Alpha Cottages

                            (..??..Lodge, Halifax.) Barrister,
                            Lincoln’s Inn. R. 13.11.27
               1823 Feb. 11  I  WYATT, Walter Henry, Esq.    Maiden Lane,
                            R. 1.12.24.                      Queen Street.
               1823 Feb. 11  J  COLTMAN, Wm. Joseph, Esq.    34 Gloucester
                            Init. in Constitutional Lodge,   Place, Portman
                            Beverley ‘22. Nothing now        Square.
                            known of him there. R. 2.6.23
                            “going abroad for some time”.
               1823 May 13  I  LLOYD, Oliver, Esq.           Clifford’s Inn.
                            R 14.12.24.
               1823 May 13  I  HARRIS, John. ? Water-        62 Green Street,
                            colour painter, exhibited at     Grosvenor Square
                            RA. ‘02-‘15 Executed Masonic
                            lithographs. b ? d ‘34
               1825 May 10  I  WALSH, Francis.    Barrister-at-law   Inner Temple.
                            W.M.’32 & ’33                    8 Kings Bench
               1825 Dec. 13  J  GAUTIER,]ohn Lewis.          41 Speldhurst
                            (P.of W Lodge.)                  Street
               1826 Feb. 14  I  SHAW, John Wybergh.          2 Union Place,
                            R 13.2.28, “having gone with     Regents Park
                            his Family to reside in France”
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