Page 189 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 189

Lodge of the Nine Muses               189

              DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
              1805 Dec. 14  I  *BONNER, Charles. b.   St. James 1812  99 New Bond St.
                           Bristol; Actor, Bath 1777,
                           Covent Garden 1783; retired
                           from stage 1785; Dep.
                           Comptroller-General of Post
                           Office, 1785; Comptroller
                           General, 1788-97. R. (?). d.
                           1829 (?).(SJ 1812)
              1805 Dec. 19  I  *GIBSON, John. (Not the   Gentleman  Westminster
                           sculptor of that name, b. 1790).   Bridge
              1805 Dec. 19  *WOODTHORP.E, Henry J.,
                           Junr. G.Std.B.·’17-‘19. S.GD.
                           ‘19. Succeeded his father,
                           Henry W., Senr., as Town Clerk
                           of London ’25-’42, d ’42 (SJ
              1805 Dec. 23  J  RAWLINS, Sir William. b.   Knight  Old Bethlem.
                           1753; d. ‘38. Sheriff of London
                           and Knighted, ‘01-2. S.G.W.
                           ‘02; W.M.’07 (Sadler) and ‘13-
                           ‘17, ‘20-‘21; Treas. ‘24-‘35. For
                           many years the leading spirit in
                           the Lodge. (SJ 1803)
              1806 Feb. 6  *ROBERTSON, George. R  (SJ 1841)  Park Lane.
              1806 Feb. 20  *WRIGHT, Waller Rodwell.   Merchant  Billiter Lane.
                           Barrister. Consul-General,   (SJ 1797)
                           Ionian Islands, 1800-‘04;
                           President, Court of Appeal,
                           Malta; published “Horae
                           Ionicae”, a poem descriptive of
                           Ionian Islands, ‘09. One of the
                           3 “learned Masons” who drew
                           up the Articles of Agreement
                           in ‘13; signed them, with D.
                           of Sussex for Modems. Died
                           embarrassed; £100 granted to
                           widow at instce of M.W.G.M.
                           on acct of W’s “high character
                           and essential services to the
                           Craft”. D.G.M. Malta, ‘15. R.
                           (?); d.’26.
              1806 Mar. 28  DOCKSEY, John -(SJ 1802)  Silkman  Goldsmith St.
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