Page 19 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 19


                                                                         Historical Environment
                                                                                    and Townscape

        The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)      Count of Mortain. A second manor (probably that at
        recognises the importance and value of the historic  Little Ickford) was granted to Miles Crispin. By the mid-
        environment to local character and ‘sense of place’. It  14th century these estates had been combined and were
        encourages a positive approach to the conservation and  known as Great Ickford Manor.The manorial history of
        enjoyment of the historic environment, including heritage  Ickford can be found in The Victoria County History.
        assets most at risk through neglect, decay or other threats.  The earliest parts of the church date from the Norman
        Heritage assets are an irreplaceable resource and should  period, and there is a reference to Ickford Bridge dated
        be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance.  1237.
        Plans should consider putting heritage assets to viable uses  Throughout the medieval period Ickford was an
        consistent with their conservation and mindful of the wider  agricultural settlement, and the village is surrounded by
        social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits that  historic ridge and furrow. The clay soils are heavy to plough,
        conservation of the historic environment can bring. New  and with the development of the wool trade much of the
        development should make a positive contribution to local  surrounding land would have been enclosed as sheep
        character and distinctiveness.                     pasture. There is an archaeological site to the south of the  A
           Early origins:The name Ickford is thought to derive  Church Farm complex which suggests part of the
        from the Old English Icca’s ford. The suffix ford is self-  settlement was abandoned at some stage during the
        explanatory, the prefix is likely to be the name of an  medieval period. Remnants of fish ponds, house platforms
        individual. The settlement grew up close to a crossing  and roads have been identified.
        of the River Thame. Ickford is mentioned in the       The medieval Ickford Bridge was rebuilt in 1685 (with
        Domesday book of 1086 as Iforde when it formed part  later alterations). A Cromwellian Civil war earthwork,
        of Bernwood Forest. After the Conquest the manor at  likely to have been used to guard Ickford Bridge is noted
        Ickford was granted by William the Conqueror to the  on the HER.
                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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