Page 24 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 24


               Local Green Space

               An audit of the greenspaces in Ickford has reviewed and  Based upon this criteria, a simple scoring system has then
               updated the list of such spaces in the AVDC Greenspace  been used to provide a basic comparator index as to the
               Audit 2009 and 2011.  It has been based upon the National  relative value of the individual open spaces to the
               Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) criteria which direct  community.  This scores 0 representing None; 1=Least;
               that ‘Local Green Space’ should only be designated where  2=Best / Most for most criteria and, in the case of a
               the green space is:                                proximity measure to the community served, sites within
                                                                  400m (5 mins) are scored  2; within 600m (7.5mins) =1
                 • in reasonably close proximity to the community it  and remote units are scored 0.
                    serves;                                         All sites were displayed for comments with a copy
                 • demonstrably special to a local community and holds  of a map  at the Consultation Events. Full details are
                    a particular local significance, for example because  given in the Consultation Report. Landowners were
                    of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value  contacted to advise them that their land was to be
                    (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness  put forward as Local Green Space in the Draft
                    of its wildlife; and                          Neighbourhood Plan.
                 • local in character and is not an extensive tract of land.

                 Methodology                                                  Box 10  Local Green Space
               Within Ickford Neighbourhood Plan, designation has been
               limited to:                                            Green Space is a key characteristic of the village,
                                                                      with all the identified spaces having value in the
                 • those generally small areas within the built       street scene and adding to the  rural character of
                    environment of the village which are vital to the  the village.  They should be protected from future
                    open, rural feel of the village                   development.
                 • those areas used for sport and recreation
                 • those areas on the immediate periphery with public
                    access regularly used for local leisure and dog-
                    walking, many having historical, landscape or
                    wildlife importance.  These include the historic
                    “gaps” which are a key feature in keeping the historic  1  The Local Green Spaces, Conservation Areas Map, showing
                                                                    the relevant identified areas can be viewed on page 43, Annex 2,
                    areas of the village well defined.              within ‘The Ickford Neighbourhood Plan’ document.
                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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