Page 17 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 17


        The landscape around Ickford is predominantly flat
        pastoral landform, with small and medium sized fields
        with good hedgerow retention. Tree cover is strongest     Box 5: Key Landscape and Topography
        close to the settlement and watercourses. The church is            issues for Ickford
        a focal point at the edge of the village and there are
        good footpath links, particularly to neighbouring      • Ensuring any new development has a minimal
        Worminghall, which falls within the same character area.  impact on landscape sensitivity. Parts of the
        The village has retained a strong historic character;     parish of Ickford have a landscape sensitivity
        vernacular buildings are a feature, as are the stone      between 75 and 100% which is of a high level.
        bridges over the River Thame.                          • New development should seek to retain and
           Water courses play a dominant role within the          enhance the key landscape characteristics.
        landscape, particularly the River Thame which forms    • There is a need to ensure that the rural quality
        the southern boundary to the area. This, together with    of what makes the countryside surrounding
        a number of tributaries, means that the village often     Ickford tranquil, and to some extent remote,
        sits on an island surrounded by flood water during times  are retained and enhanced while providing
        of high rainfall. The geology is mostly river terrace and  appropriately for the needs of local
        alluvium fill, with some areas of limestone marl to the   communities and visitors for recreation
        west and Kimmeridge clays to the south east.              activities such as walking.
           The landscape guidelines for Ickford Pastoral Vale  • Ensuring that Ickford remains relatively free
        are set out in the LCA and are as follows:                of types of elements which detract from
                                                                  landscape character such as new major roads,
           • Maintain and improve the condition of existing       derelict land and neglected building and
             hedgerows through traditional cutting regimes.       electricity pylons/overhead wires.
           • Encourage the establishment of new hedgerow
             trees to improve the age structure.
           • Encourage the management and retention of
             the open ditches as a landscape feature and
             wildlife resource.
           • Close to watercourses promote the use of
             permanent pasture, with low stocking density
             and flooding regimes to encourage biodiversity
             and landscape enhancement.
           • Maintain the condition and extent of neutral,
             unimproved and semi-improved grassland.
             Encourage good management practices.
           • New housing and alterations to existing housing
             should be designed to reflect the traditional
             character of the area and use locally traditional
           • Promote conservation and interpretation of rich
             historic environment.
           • Promote the retention of the character of minor
             roads by the management of hedgerows, ditches
             and verges and limiting urbanising elements
             such as signage and kerbing.
           • Identify key views from publicly accessible
             locations and promote their conservation and
           • Encourage the preservation of historic
             earthworks and ridge and furrow by
             maintaining a continuous grass sward.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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