Page 21 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 21


                                                              Population and Quality of Life

        Plans and programmes on population include a range of  and is in an area ranked 8. However, on the issue of Barrier
        different objectives, including tackling social exclusion,  to Housing and Services, Ickford does show high levels of
        improving human rights and public participation, improving  deprivation, scoring 1, while Living Environment is scored
        health, and ensuring every child has the chance to fulfil  at 4.
        their potential by reducing levels of education failure, ill
        health, substance misuse, crime and anti-social behaviour.  Age of Population
           The 2001 Census shows Ickford parish to have 725  The table below compares the changes in age range. (only
        people, split between 360 females and 365 males. By 2011  available for the Statistical Ward of Long Crendon within
        the Census information shows a population of 680 with  which Ickford lies)  Source: National Census
        330 female inhabitants and 350 males. This represents a
        6% decrease in population over 10 years..             Age       2001       2011        % change

                                                              0-15        993       1002          +1%
           Index of Multiple Deprivations
                                                             16-24        535        391         -27%
        The Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) provide an  25-34       508        385         -24%
        analysis of the levels of deprivation according to seven key  35-49  1251   1192          -5%
        indicators: income, employment, health, education,   50-64       1227       1241          +1%
        housing, crime and living environment (ONS, 2015). The  65+       840       1048         +25%
        table below shows a scoring result out of 10 for each
        category of deprivation where 10 would be the least  The comparison between the 2001 and 2011 census figures
        deprived and 1 the most. Overall, Ickford is not deprived  show a dramatic shift in the profile of the population. The
                                                           number of young people in the ward has reduced
                                                           significantly, whereas the percentage of older residents has
                                         Score: where      increased very significantly.
                                         10 is the least
          Key Indicator                  deprived and
                                         1 the most
                                          deprived            Box 8: Key Population and Quality of Life Issues
                                                             • Ickford has a relatively old population structure
          Income                              9
          Employment                          10                and therefore an ageing population. This will
          Health Deprivation and Disability   10                have implications in terms of housing,
          Education, skills and training      9                 employment, transport and health needs.
          Crime                               10             • In terms of access to housing and services Ickord
          Barriers to Housing and Services    1                 is deprived due to its high house prices and rural
          Living Environment                   4                location.
          Overall Score                       8

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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