Page 20 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 20


               Transport and Air Quality

               European and UK transport policies and plans place emphasis  Travel to school
               on the modernisation and sustainability of the transport
               network. Specific objectives include reducing pollution and  Travel to school can have large traffic implications on a
               road congestion through improvements to public transport,  settlement and can often account for a large number of
               walking and cycling networks and reducing the need to travel.  journeys made at peak times. All school children have to
               National policy also focuses on the need for the transport  be taken by car or school bus to the closest primary school
               network to support sustainable economic growth.    at Ickford or by car to the primary school at Oakley. There
                 The plans and programmes highlight that congestion  is also a school bus for Wheatley Park School (Secondary
               and poor air quality resulting from transport are key issues.  education).
               Local plans should therefore focus on appropriate design,
               location and layout of development, increasing investment  Air Quality
               in infrastructure, improving the quality and accessibility
               of public transport, supporting walking and cycling, and  Air quality in the Buckinghamshire is generally good, but
               enhancing road safety.                             there are still occasional unacceptably high levels of
                 There is no train station or nearby station within Ickford,  pollution originating mainly from vehicle emissions on busy
               the nearest is Haddenham &Thame Parkway which is about  roads. These  areas  are  designated  as Air  Quality
               15 minutes drive away. There are no off road surfaced  Management Areas. For Ickford there are no Air Quality
               cycling links in the neighbourhood area.           Management Areas and air quality is not seen as an issue.
                 Traffic is generated within Ickford village from local
               journeys as well as through-traffic.
                 Currently, the only public transport is the number 110  Box 7: Key transport and air quality
               bus, which runs only four times during a weekday and goes         issues for Ickford
               to Thame and Aylesbury via surrounding villages, taking  • Public transport is the biggest issue for Ickford
               over an hour to get to Aylesbury. The bus timetable is  due to its rural nature. A more regular service
               specifically geared to school children – the last bus back  would make the service more usable.
               into the village arrives back at 17.03 and is hence unsuitable  • Congestion through the village is a concern.
               for commuters, and in school holidays a different timetable  • There are no air quality issues for Ickford.
               is in place. The only way to get to Haddenham and its station
               or to Oxford is to catch a connecting bus service in Thame.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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