Page 22 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 22


               Housing in Ickford

               Little Ickford

                 The current housing stock                          Recent development of the Village
               A full list of the 279 residential properties is shown in  The most recent significant development was the building
               Appendix X (Page 27). This list was compiled from the  of 13 five bedroom houses in Farm Close in 1996.  Since
               Government website which lists  then only a few (one or two) new houses have been built in
               the council tax bands for all the properties in Ickford.  the village.  However, the village expanded greatly during
               An asterisk against the council tax band (CTB) indicates  the 1970’s with the building of Golders Close, Turnfields
               that the property may have been modified or extended  and other smaller developments.
               and therefore the CTB may be reassessed should the
               property be sold, although this appears to happen very
               rarely. The number of bedrooms have been added       Future development of the Village
               wherever possible using the survey questionnaires, the  Any further development in the village should be strictly
               website and local knowledge.      limited due to the accessibility and flooding issues.
                 Since the number of bedrooms is not always known   The village is only served by one bus route which is a
               and the available price information is not reliable we  spasmodic and circuitous route to Thame. The main bus
               have used the CTBs to compare Ickford against AVDC  route from Oxford to Aylesbury is some two miles away at
               as a whole (Table n) and the two neighbouring villages  Tiddington. This makes accessibility, particularly for the
               of Worminghall and Shabbington (Table n+1). It can be  aged and infirm, difficult. The lack of public transport also
               seen from Table n that there is much lower proportion  leads to greater car ownership and use which in turn causes
               of CTBs A to D in Ickford and a correspondingly higher  substantial parking problems.
               proportion of CTBs E to H. This is perhaps only to be  There are major flooding problems since the village is
               expected since the majority of smaller properties,  surrounded by flood plain and at times can be virtually cut
               particularly flats are to be found in the larger towns.  off by road. Therefore, any future development must not
               The average council tax paid in Ickford is 22.3% above  be allowed to aggravate these problems.
               that for AVDC as a whole. However, in Table n+1, it  The village is particularly attractive for young families
               can be seen that the distribution of CTBs in Ickford is  due to the excellent primary school and pre-school.
               very similar to both Worminghall and Shabbington with  Therefore, any future development should be restricted
               all three villages having approximately 50% of properties  in size (not more than 20 or 30 houses), and not greatly
               in CTBs F to H compared with less than 20% for AVDC  increase the perimeter of the residential area of the village,
               as a whole.                                        nor have any impact on the flood plain. It should include
                                                                  affordable homes for young families.
                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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