Page 14 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 14


               Ickford and Little Ickford

               National water policies are primarily driven by the aims of  There is one Sewage Treatment Works that discharges
               the EC Water Framework Directive, as translated into  into Worminghall Brook and in 2015 the Environment
               national law by the Water Framework Regulations 2003.  Agency classified Worminghall Brook as “Moderate meeting
               Key objectives include improving the quality of rivers and  2015 objectives”. In addition in 2015, the Environment
               other water bodies to ‘good ecological status’ by 2015;  Agency classified the Ickford Brook as “Moderate meeting
               considering flood risk at all stages of the plan and  its 2015 objective.  This classification is based on multiple
               development process in order to reduce future damage to  factors, but the main drivers of the moderate status are the
               property and loss of life; and incorporating water efficiency  phosphate, invertebrates and macrophytes, all other
               measures into new developments.                    measured factors are currently ranked as “high” or “good”.
                 Ickford’s hydrology drains southward into the River  It is not surprising that phosphate is not good in this
               Thame.  There are two river tributaries within Ickford’s  catchment due to the intensity of agricultural land around
               neighbourhood area, Worminghall Brook and Peppershill  the brook and the added pressure of a sewage treatment
               with two other drains from the end of Church Road and  works.  However there is no objective by the Environment
               Little Ickford.                                    Agency to improve the situation currently.
                 Both Worminghall brook and Peppershill brook drain
               water from higher ground to the north of Ickford with
               much of the catchment area underlain by impermeable clays  Key Water Issues for Ickford
               in which there is little groundwater flow of any significance  Ickford is an Island and can be subject to surface flooding
               which causes surface flooding.                     from all directions.   Any future development must
                 Surface flooding in Ickford has been a regular occurance  incorporate Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)
               over many years.  Effectively Ickford is a dry Island but  due to the proximity of the flood plains and therefore should
               over periods of high rainfall the lower areas mainly roads  not put any further pressure on the current drainage and
               through the village become flooded.  This enters the sewage  sewage systems.
               system that cannot cope effectively as well as also trying to  The Worminghall Brook starts just below Brill, flowing
               drain the land.                                    through agricultural land until reaching Ickford and meeting
                 The flood plains from the three main water courses –  the Thame between Waterperry and Ickford.
               Worminghall Brook, Peppershill Brook and the River   Aylesbury Vale’s Water Cycle Strategy 2017 identifies
               Thame can make the roads impassable by cars.       there is capacity at the sewerage treatment works for
                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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