Page 23 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 23


           Services                                           Secondary School provision: Local children are in the
                                                           catchment area for Wheatley Park School or Lord William’s
        There are a range of services in Ickford, including a  School in Thame, both across the county border in
        successful and oversubscribed primary school and a  Oxfordshire. As Ickford parish is in Buckinghamshire which
        shop/ village post office bought by a consortium of  still maintains the grammar school system, children of the
        villagers in 2001 and run as a business by a leaseholder.  village are eligible to take the 11 plus exam and attend one
        There is also a pub, the Rising Sun.               of the three Grammar schools in Aylesbury.
           There is an area of allotments in the village, all of  Early Years and Childcare Services: There is a Pre-
        which are in use. The social and pastoral infrastructure  school adjoining the Primary school which also runs a
        includes a church, which has a kitchen and facilities  Breakfast Club and an After School Club for children at
        enabling it to be used for functions and to provide a  the school.
        weekly play session for parents with pre-school children,
        a large village hall built by volunteers in 1950, and a
        small assortment of clubs and societies. There is also a  Box 9   Key Housing and Service Issues
        recreation ground on land donated to the village in 1981
        by a local builder. This consists of a football pitch and  • Affordability of housing is a key issue within
        an area of play equipment for small and older children,  Ickford in view of the aging demographic  with a
        including a zip wire, largely paid for by a fund raising  median age is 49 compared with 39 in the UK as
        initiative in the village. This is now maintained by the  a whole.
        Parish Council. There is also a Sports pavilion built by  • Demand for all types of housing, but particularly
        villagers in 1996 for Ickford football team. The team   homes for first buy, downsizing and smaller family
        no longer uses the pitch and the pavilion is currently  homes.
        being converted into a small meeting space.           • All new development to be small and in keeping
                                                                with the character of the village
                                                              • All new development is resilient to climate change
           Education and Skills
                                                                and flooding.
        Primary Education: Ickford Combined School is an      • Community views have indicated that growth of
        academy school for children aged 4 – 11 with a catchment  up to 15 dwellings is supported by local people.
        area of Ickford, Worminghall and Shabbington.

           Ickford need social housing

         Description                                                                          Total

         Total households in West Aylesbury Vale sub group which currently live in
         Ickford settlement.  1                                                                   3

         Total households in West Aylesbury Vale sub group with a local
         connection to Ickford settlement.  2                                                   23

         of which currently live in Ickford settlement.  3                                        2

         Total number of affordable homes in the Ickford Settlement.  4                         32

                                                              1. Housing Register data correct as at 16/08/2018
                                                              2. Statements of local connection are made by applicants,
                                                              however, these have not been verified
                                                              3. Not all households currently living in Ickford will necessarily
                                                              wish to be rehoused in the village
                                                              4. Affordable Homes data correct as at 01/04/2016
                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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