Page 7 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 7


                                         Annex 1.

                                         Pre-vision consultation questionnaire
                                         by the Parish Council 2017.


                                         As part of the process prior to developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Ickford
                                         Parish, the Parish Council conducted a consultation questionnaire that was
                                         completed by members of the local community during the summer of 2017.

                                         The questionnaire was focused on the two main areas of Housing and
                                         Infrastructure based on the National Planning Policy Framework. In addition to
                                         the structured questions, there was an opportunity for local people to express
                                         their views openly on development areas, economy and the social infrastructure.

                                         137 responses were obtained and these responses are below. Not everyone
                                         answered each question so percentages are based on the number that did and
                                         then rounded to the nearest figure. The questionnaire results gave a clear indication
                                         to the Parish Council that producing a Neighbourhood Plan would be an
                                         appropriate way forwards for the Parish to help influence future development
                                         and identify the aspects of the village that were most important to the parishioners.
                                         . In addition, these, and the results of a subsequent questionnaire, went on to
                                         form the Vision and Objectives that the Steering Group would continue to work
                                         towards throughout the plan


                                         The purpose of the pre-vision questionnaire was to give residents the opportunity
                                         to express their views about any future development in the village. The
                                         questionnaire used both direct questions and those that allowed the residents to
                                         express their feelings on specific areas such as where housing should be situated
                                         as well as improvements to drainage and general infrastructure.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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