Page 6 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 6


                   This event was advertised with a postcard delivered to each household as
                  well as numerous posters around the village and a large A frame poster
                  outside the village hall to remind people of the event or to tempt in passing
                  residents. Residents were given the opportunity to read the Scoping Report
                  as well as the Heritage Report. In addition there was a wide range of
                  information concerning all aspects of the NP displayed around the hall. Most
                  importantly a large number of the Steering Group were at hand to answer
                  questions, discuss progress and accept further views and comments.

                6. Ickford, and the surrounding area, provides a rich habitat for a wild range
                  of flora and fauna. Residents were asked to record sightings of mammals, reptiles,
                  birds and insects. Questionnaires were available online at the Vision for Ickford
                  website as well as paper copies at the consultations events.

                7. Campaign of Communication, February 2017 to present, comprising:

                    • a dedicated section on the Ickford Community website.
                    • a dedicated website for residents to contribute their views and to offer
                       accessibility to Plan Steering Group members. The website is updated on a
                       continuous basis to keep residents fully up to date with the Plan’s progress.
                    • a monthly update in the Ickford Informer, a village newspaper delivered to
                       every home, since March 2017.
                    • posters throughout the village advertising forthcoming events related to
                       the Plan.
                    • a postcard delivered to each home in the village advertising the second
                       Consultation Event.
                    • the Plan has been a standing item on the agenda of the Parish Council
                       meetings since autumn 2017, with an account of progress being given
                       each time by councillor members of the Plan Steering Group.
                    • discussions with members of village social groups by Steering Group

                8 The Public Consultations on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan took
                  place during 2018 and a leaflet and feedback form was delivered to each
                  address in the village, posters put up and the documents were put on the
                  relevant websites.

                    Communications generally
                   A range of different media, as noted above, have been used by the Plan Steering
                  Group to inform their fellow Ickford residents about the neighbourhood plan
                  process and to seek their views about the right development for Ickford. The
                  Ickford Community website and the Vision for Ickford website have been used
                  at all times to give information and links to documents. For those residents who
                  prefer a paper copy of information this has been available in the Ickford Informer
                  on a monthly basis. At all times information has been presented neutrally with a
                  view to assisting villagers to reach their own opinion. Members of the Steering
                  group have tried their best to stay abreast of current developments in
                  Neighbourhood Plans as evidenced by attendance at a seminar at Reading
                  University as well as a further seminar in London. At all times the Group has
                  been assisted by the advice and guidance of Sally Chapman, an experienced planner
                  and neighbourhood plan consultant.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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