Page 40 - Vauxhall 20-60 H.P. (R Type) Chassis Shop Manual
P. 40


                         GROUP III


                         CARE OF COACH FINISH

         SECTION         ‘Belco’ finish used on Vauxhall cars is unlike paint or varnish finish. It is
            150          cellulose and improves with age and continued polishing. For all ordinary
                         purposes a rub down with a clean, soft, dry rag is sufficient to keep the finish
                         bright and attractive, but at times more attention than this is required, and
                         on these occasions ‘Belco’ polish No. 7 should be used.

                         Before applying the polish, caked mud should be washed off with water, and
                         any road tar removed with the aid of a little petrol. Battery acid does not harm
                         the ‘Belco’, but care should be taken when filling the radiator with alcohol anti-
                         freezing mixtures in  very  cold  temperatures,  to see that  the mixture is not
                         splashed on the ‘Belco’ finish. If the car is allowed to stand for a long period
                         without being polished or given other attention, a coloured scum will form, but
                         this coating is not detrimental to the finish and it may be removed quickly with
                         ‘Belco’ polish No. 7. The fact that a small amount of colour will be removed with
                         each application of polish need not give rise to apprehension, as the finish is not
                         detrimentally affected in any way.

                         CARE OF FABRIC FINISH

         SECTION         The secret of quick cleaning for exterior fabric is a good, constant, steady
             151         flow of water.

                         If a hose is used in washing, do not have pressure greater than will carry the
                         water six inches beyond the end of the hose. Do not use a nozzle. Water
                         under high pressure will drive grit into the fabric. It will be found that the
                         sponge, when used with plenty of water, will penetrate into the grain. Hard
                         pressure is not only unnecessary but is detrimental to the fabric, whether it
                         is with sponge or cloth. The washing down operation should be commenced
                         from the top of the roof and gradually worked down to the stepboards. A
                         soft chamois cloth should then be wiped lightly over. The plain washing down
                         will be found quite adequate for the weekly clean.

                         If, however, mud has been allowed to remain in the grain of the fabric for any
                         length of time the appearance will be affected, generally looking very streaky or
                         blotchy. A gentle scrubbing with a nail brush, a little soap and warm water will,
                         however, remove the ingrained mud and renew the appearance of the fabric.

                         CLEANING PLATED FITTINGS

         SECTION         Hard metal polishes, generally used for cleaning household brass work,
            152          should be rigorously avoided. Not only do they eventually rub through the

                         surface, but they leave innumerable small scratches, which ruin the surface
                         for a good shine. Reliable plate polishes only should be used.

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