Page 13 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 13
Issue 2 - Bradford United News
UNCIL at the Federal-
egrams Lane site, has
onstitution as part of the
proving communications
nd employees.
s identified as one of the key
ness plan launched in October
time was right to take a close Maria Charuk Howard Simpson Harry Shuttleworth
ther it was serving the interests
- has been a warehouse - site engineering manager, - only recently elected to
operative for 10 years but has Howard has been with the represent Warehouse &
perating rules were announced only recently decided to get company for eight years. Assembly although he has
a significant commitment for involved with Council because, Understanding that some worked at Bradford for over ten
wed vigour of Council is already although she believes everyone employees are reluctant to voice years. As the site industrial
should have a direct say in their their own views to senior engineer, he is responsible for
pation in Council is increasing
working environment, not management in face-to-face machinery projects and pack-
eling that Council is playing an
everyone is willing or able to encounters, he believes that aging equipment. Believes
promoting good, interactive present their own case. So far, Council exists to do it for them Council is the board of directors’
r management and employees. she has found meetings lively but, in order for that to be ‘conscience’ to ensure that all
y broad – any matter of general and finds the insight they successful, management has to attention is not reserved for
provide into other aspects of the do more than pay lip-service to purely business matters but that
ees unless the disclosure of
company very interesting. Says the idea of genuine employee human goals get their share of
e interests of the company.
she was surprised by how involvement in decisions which attention too.
when asked what they thought strongly members had to put affect the workforce.
mbers’ response was to agree their own case forward. Maria
much-needed forum for is also a qualified first-aider.
oyees and the directors of the
Anyone interested in becoming a Council member – there are currently
vacancies in Warehouse & Assembly – please contact Alan Wood (via
Howard Simpson on 8258) or Emma Bannister (2322).
Alan Wood Emma Bannister Victor Bamfield Sue Benecke
– been with the company for 24 – after learning shorthand and - works in the purchase ledger – six years with the company,
years and has been a member typing at night-school, Emma department (part of finance, Sue handles inter-company
of Council for 14 of those years, has recently taken over from basically the department looks accounts (sales between
the last two as chairman. Alan Melanie Marchant as the after all payments out of the Bradford UK and other Federal-
looks after maintenance for the secretary of Council. She has company for purchase of goods Mogul companies). As well as
whole site and so is in an ideal been with the company for nine or services) and represents all representing the second floor
position to listen to employee years and currently works in employees working on the third (customer services and intra-
opinion right throughout the Warehouse and Assembly floor. Victor is also a qualified group) on Council, Sue is also
company. Is a strong advocate where she is responsible for first-aider. chairman of the Sports & Social
of the importance of Council in designing and printing all the Club. Council is a two-
giving ordinary employees a labels which are used on way link which allows
voice and urges every employee customer parcels. employees to voice their 5
to make sure it works by opinions.
providing active support.