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Bradford United News - Issue 2

                                                                                Health, Safety

                               MATT POHLMAN
                               MATT POHLMANTT POHLMAN                                  and the
                                        TT POHLMAN
                               MATT POHLMAN

              att Pohlman arrived in England to set up his base in Bradford
         Mas general manager of European LDC logistics in January,
         but what of his history prior to that?

            Matt could be said to be a Federal-Mogul baby, having joined the       By John Roberts
         company in 1984 straight from gaining his business degree from Alma
                                                                                   OOD HEALTH AND SAFETY at work
         College in Michigan. A large part of his Federal-Mogul career has been
                                                                                Gis a key Federal-Mogul standard.
         spent in sales and marketing in various facilities around the USA. First  We’re audited regularly and the results
         Omaha in Nebraska and, over the next 15 years, variously in Knoxville,  matter – not just because it’s worth an
         Tennessee, Chicago (where he managed to fit in a masters business degree)  award but because a healthy, safe envi-
                                                                                ronment at work matters to all of us.
         and, finally Southfield in Michigan at the company’s headquarters as
                                                                                   During each issue of Bradford United
         director of customer services.
                                                                                News, I’ll be tackling one or two items
                                            judged on what I say and do.        under this heading; either because it de-
                                            “But this is not about telling people what  serves special praise or because it needs
                                            to do. My job is to make full use of my  particular attention paying to it.
                                            background and expertise in building a
                                            logistics operation to explore different   TRUCK TRAINING
                                            and better ways of doing things and then
                                            get my team on board to help achieve the
                                            results in terms of improved customer  – congratulations to all those who
                                            service. Because that’s what we’re all  passed their training courses for fork lift
                                            here for – to provide the best possible  trucks - Simon Cook, Dean Parker, David
                                            customer service, and that means getting  Brown and Catherine Pye. From now on,
                                            the processes right.                anyone whose fork lift truck license is
                                               “But I know the European aftermarket  more than three years old must attend a
                                            is not the same as the American so I’ll be  one-day refresher course; Les Alderson,
                                            relying heavily on the European     Judy Everitt, Andy Foulds, Paul Harrison,
                                            experience of my direct reports on the  Donald Hunt, John Kerr, Chris Nightin-
                                            logistics team to deliver the support the  gale, Jackie Pickles, Colin Roper, Michael
                                            European sales and marketing team   Sunderland, Chris Wainwright and Mick
                                            deserves. It’s all about sharing best  Wild will all be doing their refreshers this
                                            practice through a team approach.   year. Congrats also to Mandy Hart,
                                               “I believe strongly in good      Leanne Murray, Vicky Melling, Sam
                                            communications – I’ll talk to anyone any  Greenwood and Kirsty Brook for success-
                                            time - and I’m also pretty hands-on. Last  fully completing their pedestrian stacker
           His final post on home territory was
       as director of field operations for North  week I was pulling orders in France. That  truck training.
                                            was a very valuable experience because
       America – essentially re-building and  it lead directly to five actions points for
       streamlining a distribution infrastructure  improvement. People see that and it     SMOKING
       over 70 sites right across the USA. It is  makes an impact. I want to get to know
       this expertise in distribution logistics and  people and how they do what they do  -  smoking on site is always going to
       supply chain management which has    and for them to know me and see what I  be a contentious issue (whether you’re
       brought him to Europe, to consolidate the  can do.”                      for or agin). The company has set up a
       good that exists and, through learned   Married to Cheryl for the last 13 years  working party to assess all sides before a
       experience, make it better.
                                            and with two daughters, Mackenzie, four,  decision is made whether to continue to
                                            and Kaleigh, six, Matt says the whole  allow controlled smoking or to ban it al-
             CANDID INTERVIEW               family is really excited at the prospect of  together. Make your views known.
                                            coming over to England to live – they
                                            move into their house in Ilkley next month
           So, those are the statistics but what                                           FIRE REGS
       about the man behind them. In a candid  and yes, he is trying to learn the words
                                            to the song. He’s also keen to try out some
       interview, Matt explained the philosophy
                                            British golf courses.                  -  fire risk assessments have recently
             behind his approach. “I’m an up-  “This will be the first time we’ve lived  been completed across the site and cor-
      2      front sort of guy – which can upset  and worked outside the USA and that’s  rective action taken where necessary.
                                                                                Make sure you know what to do in the
                                            pretty exciting for all of us. We’re all really
             some people but, what you see is
                                            looking forward to it.”
                                                                                case of a fire.
             what you get. I’m happy to be
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