Page 11 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 11

Issue 2 - Bradford United News

           BARGAIN                                                              Twenty

        BASEMENT                                                                Thousand


           HE COMPANY has negotiated a                                          Feet
        Tnumber of deals with local
        businesses to provide preferential deals
        to Federal-Mogul employees.
            So far, the participating companies
        include Thomas Cook at the refurbished
        Victoria Centre, Girlington, Bland’s the
                                                                                . . . and
                                                                                . . . and
                                                                               . . . and
                                                                                . . . and
        jewellers in Thornton Road, Jackson’s the                              . . . and
        glass and china shop, Pizzeria Mamma
        Mia in Upper Piccadilly, Kings Security
                                                                                  till Counting
                                                                                  till Counting
                                                                                  till Counting
        Systems in Earnshaw and Hollins Hall                                    S S S S Still Countingtill Counting
        Hotel (for food only).
            Supermarket Morrison’s put its
        tongue firmly in its cheek when it agreed                               David Hanney
        to a 1% discount for purchases over     T JUST UNDER 20,000 FEET (that’s 5,986m for those born after
            For fuller details contact Mark Gordon  A1972!), Kilimanjaro on the Tanzania/Kenya border is the highest
        (ext. 8231), Lisa Brassington (ext. 8293)  mountain in Africa – so high that even though the country is almost on
        or Deborah Williams (ext. 8232).  ❖  the equator the mountain has permanent snow fields. David Hanney knows
                                            this because he’s recently climbed every single one of those feet.
        EATING                              the European aftermarket finance team based in Manchester, was typically modest
                                               David, who is on secondment to the UK aftermarket but who actually works for
                                            about the achievement.
                                               “Kilimanjaro is known as a mountain that anyone can climb.”
        The Elephant                           Oh, just a hard stroll then!
                                               “But it does kill about a dozen people each year.”
                                               Not necessarily the climb itself, you understand, just the malaria, yellow fever
        Key Goals Business                  and frost bite!
                                               David, who got away with just a bit of
        Plan Under Review                   frost nip on his fingers and toes, spends
                                            his holidays walking and climbing and is
           IX MONTHS AFTER ITS LAUNCH and   hoping to climb Mont Blanc next year.
        Sfollowing some fairly significant or-  So, what was it like? “You climb
        ganisational changes, the board felt that  through five eco-systems going up the
        a review of the key goals business plan  mountain – farmland, rainforest, moorland,
        was needed.                         alpine desert and then, the summit, where
            David Beattie explained. “This proc-  nothing lives but a bit of lichen. Between
        ess was new to the company when we  night and day the temperature can vary
        began it and not only have we learned a  from –30° to +40°c.
        great deal in the months since then but  “With me were my guide, Meckson,
        we’ve also made a lot of good progress –  and two porters, Organis and Focus, to  Ken Ford, Carolyn Andrew & David Beattie
        something we should all be proud of.  carry all the food, water and cooking equip-  Bradford Clinches
        Now, however, not only has the market-  ment. It took four days walking plus a day
        place changed again – something we  of acclimatisation – altitude sickness can  Top CV Award
        must always expect and try to be ready  be a real problem – to get to the point where
        for – but the structure here at Bradford  you can attempt the summit. And not eve-
        has changed too. The time was absolutely  ryone manages it. Only half a dozen got  AVID BEATTIE AND KEN
        right to look at the whole key goals plan  there on my climb.           DFORD went to the Factoring
        to make sure we were confident that we  “The aim is to get to the top round  Services Group’s (FSG) annual
        were still focusing our attention on the  about sunrise because the mountain clouds  conference at the end of March and
        key issues.                         over during the day; also, the volcanic ash  left as proud bearers of the Group’s
            “I’m pleased to report that although  you’re walking on is much easier under-
        we’ve changed the particular emphasis  foot when it’s still frozen. Guide, Meckson  CV Supplier of the Year award.
        in some places and we’re doing some  and I got there first at about 3.50am so we  As the country’s biggest association
        work on strengthening the accountable  had the view to ourselves. The sky was  of independent factors, the FSG repre-
        and reporting processes, the overall di-  crystal clear and the stars and the glaciers  sents members of all shapes and sizes
        rection of the plan is still bang on track.  were shining so brightly. It was breathtak-  right across the country so this is an im-
            “This review and refining procedure  ing but I’ve never felt cold like it. The water  portant award for Federal-Mogul UK. The
        – a process of continuous improvement  froze, my camera froze and I had ice form-  award, which is voted on directly by
        that we’re trying to instil in everyone right  ing between my clothing layers. Then we  members, was given in recognition of the
        across the company - is still under way  went on to the summit.         company’s commitment to the FSG’s ‘G
        and we’ll be involving many more people  “It was very hard work, by the time  Truck’ programme, a CV parts
        directly in that process. If you’ve got any-  we’d got back down to Horombo Huts at  scheme which involved developing  3
        thing you want to bring to the party, talk  2,750m we’d had 11 hours of walking, but  a network of specialist truck
        to your manager or to me.”  ❖       it was worth it.”  ❖                distributors.  ❖
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