Page 79 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 79

Lodge of the Nine Muses                79

            proposed and seconded in order that these particulars may be correctly recorded
            in the Minutes of the Meeting and properly inserted in the next summons.
               That every Candidate for initiation shall attend within three months after
            the Ballot has been taken in his favor otherwise the election shall be void unless
            sufficient cause shall be afsigned for his non-attendance.
               That if upon a Ballot for initiation of a Gentleman, or for a Brother to join
            the Lodge, two negative, or black balls shall appear; the Candi date shall not be
            considered duly elected, but on it being duly proposed a second Ballot may be
            taken at the same Meeting, when if two negative Balls again appear, the Candidate
            shall be precluded on that occasion, but should three negatives appear on any
            Ballot, the Candidate shall be considered as rejected and shall not be eligible to
            be again proposed within twelve months.

               That every person initiated into Masonry in the Lodge shall pay a fee of
            £7: 7: - and every Brother admitted a Member shall pay a fee of £2: 2: - these
            Sums to be exclusive of the annual Subscription, which shall be paid in proportion
            to the unexpired term of the current Year.
               That every Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of £5: 5:  – which shall
            include the annual contribution of four shillings to the fund of the Grand Lodge,
            such payment to be in advance and at the Lodge in the month of February. No
            Brother shall be entitled to vote in any matter before the Lodge, unless such
            Subscription be first paid.
               That any Brother desirous of being discontinued as a Subscribing Member on
            signifying such intention by Letter to the Secretary and discharging all arrears
            may be discontinued accordingly; and whoever shall not have given the regular
            notice to discontinue (as before mentioned) previous to the month of February
            shall be considered as a subscribing member for the current Year.
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