Page 82 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 82

82             An Account of the Lodge of Nine Muses

             deference to elder members or distinguished visitors. A procession only takes
             place when to omit it would be discourteous to a visitor of exalted rank. And
             mercifully there is no “music”
                In the performance of ceremonies a reverent and unhurried procedure is the
             rule, with sufficient attention to accuracy to avoid confusion; but the Master and
             other officers are trusted to concern themselves with the spirit and intent of the
             work rather than to strain after a pedantic impeccability in word or detail. Such,
             so far as memory goes, has always been the usage of the Lodge.  29
                It may be noted here that, so far as is known, no Royal Arch Chapter, or Lodge
             of Instruction, has ever been attached to the Lodge. But in 1795 the Chevalier
             Ruspini was elected an Honorary Member of the R. A. Chapter of St James,
             founded in 1788, and an informal alliance, still maintained, grew up between the
             Chapter and the Lodge. Several members of the Lodge of Rural Friendship also
             belonged to the Chapter of St James.

             29  The Ceremonies continue to be enjoyed in a similar manner to the present day, now
                tending to be shared by several Past Masters and/or Officers to the benefit of all, Candidate
                Contributors and Members alike.
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