Page 83 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 83
N. the twenties, thirties and forties of the nineteenth century, and even
later, routine was pleasantly varied from time to time by what were termed
I“Lodges of Recreation”.
These were of two kinds. In the first, the Lodge met by invitation at the house
of one of the members and was there hospitably entertained; in the other, members
and their ladies met at some place of public resort, usually the Star and Garter at
Richmond, dined together, and danced or played whist the evening through.
The first recorded Lodge of Recreation was held at the residence of the W.M.,
Sir William Rawlins, in Broad Street Buildings, on 10 July 1821. Eleven members
were present, including the host. The minutes state that “The Lodge was opened
in the first degree, and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Bro. Edwards’ resignation was accepted. A petition for relief from Louis de Brolle,
Surgeon, lately of the French Army was considered, and Bro. Samuel Page was
elected a joining member.” The minutes conclude: “The Lodge was closed in the
first Degree & adjourned to the 2nd Tuesday in August next at the house of Bror
Harper as a lodge of recreation emergencies excepted.”
The meeting at Bro. (Thomas) Harper’s house duly took place, five members
and one visitor being present. A candidate for initiation, was “proposed to be
ballotted for at the next meeting”, and the W.M. “appointed tomorrow week the
22nd Inst for a lodge of emergency to be held at the Freemasons Tavern for the
purpose of ballotting for & initiating Mr. Baker. ... The Lodge was duly closed in
the 1st Degree and adjourned ...”
Only four members however turned up on “tomorrow week”, and the
ceremony had to be postponed to 28 August.
It will be seen that these “Lodges of Recreation” were regarded as regular
meetings of the Lodge; minutes were read and confirmed and business transacted,
and the Lodge was formally opened and closed. In one case at least a degree
was conferred. It is worth noting that the Master fixed the places and dates of