Page 78 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 78

78                     An Account of the

                                 Table 2 Bye laws of 1824
                The following By Laws having been proposed, thoroughly discussed at various
             Meetings, and finally adopted in open Lodge were ordered to be observed, and to
             take Effect, in lieu of all former Laws and Regulations heretofore in force.
                                        13th April 1824
                That the Lodge shall meet on the second Tuesday in the Months of November,
             December, February, March, April, and May, at the Free Masons Tavern, Great
             Queen Street, to be summoned at 5 o’Clock, or as much earlier as circumstances
             may require, subject always to the order of the W. M.
                That the Election of Master and Treasurer shall be annually by Ballot at the
             Meeting in the Month of December. No Brother to be eligible to the Chair,
             unlefs he shall [have] previously served the Office of Master or Warden in this, or
             some other regular Lodge.
                That at the subsequent Meeting when the Minutes shall be confirmed, the Master
             elect shall be installed according to ancient usage, that he shall then invest the Treasurer,
             and likewise appoint and invest the Wardens, Secretary, Deacons, and Inner Guard.
                That any Gentleman desirous of being initiated into Masonry in this Lodge,
             shall be proposed and seconded by two of its Members, in open Lodge, and shall
             be ballotted for at the next ensuing Meeting.
                That any Brother desirous of becoming a Member of this Lodge shall be
             proposed and seconded in like manner.
                That all  propositions for admission or initiation shall  be made in  writing
             and delivered to the Master expressing the Christian and Surname addition  or
             profession and place of abode of the Candidate and stating the persons by whom

             27  “Addition.” Something added to a man’s name to distinguish him. O.E.D.
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