Page 80 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 80

80                     An Account of the

                That a Member thus discontinuing may be readmitted after a Ballot on payment
             of £1: 1: - and a due proportion of the subscription for the current Year.
                That no Brother shall be admitted to visit this Lodge unless he shall be satisfactorily
             vouched for and introduced by a Member. If he partake of the Banquet the visiting fee
             shall be fifteen shillings, the Brother intro ducing him to be responsible for payment of
             the same unless he shall be exempted by sanction of the Master.
                That an Audit Committee consisting of the Master, Wardens, and two other
             Members shall be appointed and held annually between the election & installation of
             [the] Master, and the result reported at the next meeting of the Lodge.
                That it shall be the duty of the Junior Warden at the Banquet to see that the
             Table be properly supplied, the Wine and other refreshments shall be ordered by him
             specially. And he shall give tickets for the same, which are to be produced as Vouchers
             for the Charges in the Bill.
                That the Books, Papers, Furniture and other property of whatsoever kind belonging
             to the Lodge shall be considered as vested in the Treasurer for the time being In trust
             nevertheless for himself and the other Members of the Lodge. An Inventory of the
             whole shall be entered in the minute Book, the same shall be examined by the Master
             elect annually, and a report shall be made to the Lodge thereon.
                That no repeal or alteration of or any addition to these By-Laws shall be made until
             the same shall have been proposed and notified in the Summons to all the Members
             and discussed at a meeting of the Lodge and confirmed at a subsequent one.
                That these By-Laws shall be fairly transcribed in a Book to be signed by all the
             Members in token of the submission thereto, And that the same be produced at every
             meeting of the Lodge in order to be re ferred to whenever required.
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