Page 77 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 77

Lodge of the Nine Muses                77

               In 1814 the day for meeting was the fourth Friday; this in May 1821 was
            changed to the second Thursday, and in the October following to the second
               This arrangement lasted till 1925, when the day was again changed, this
        *   time to the third Monday in the month, which still holds for the March,
            October and November meetings; but since the migration to the Grosvenor
            Hotel in 1936 the February meeting, at which the Master is installed, is held
            on the third Tuesday.
               The first reference to the hour of meeting is on 12 November 1822, when
            it was “Proposed seconded and carried that the Lodge be summoned to meet
            at 5 precisely to proceed to business immediately”.
               On 10 February 1824 it was agreed that “the Lodge afsemble on the next
            meeting at 4 o’clock to take into consideration the new code of bye laws”.
            On 9 March “the bye laws were read in part. The Lodge was adjourned from
            Labor to refreshment. After the banquet the remainder of the Bye laws was
            read & approved with amendments & the blanks filled up.” But this was a
            special occasion.
               No other change in the time of meeting has been noted by the writer till
            12 November 1872, when it was “Resolved unanimously that when there
            is no business to get through the hour of meeting be fixed for 6.30, should
            there however be any business the hour to be left to the discretion of the
            Secretary”. Such is still the rule.
               By-laws for the regulation of the Lodge, first mentioned in the minutes
            for 10 February 1824, clearly existed in some shape before that date, for
            “Bror Edwards Harper the WM elect proposed that a draft of the bye laws
            as revised by him be read.... The Secretary accordingly read the draft of the
            Bye laws for the government of the Lodge.” As has been seen above, the
            Lodge had a special meeting in March to consider the matter, and on 13
            April “A fair transcript of the Bye laws was read by the Secretary”. This still
            exists in the Signature Book described in Chapter Thirteen. These By-laws
            are as follows:

        * Does it need a 2012 footnote here?
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