Page 74 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 74

74                     An Account of the

             of which has told the writer that there is no reference to any such payments in
             the accounts of the school.
                On a page at the beginning of the second minute-book is a note bearing on
             this subject. A list of officers is given for the years 1837 and 1842, followed by a
             similar list for 1843, with notes of their rotation. Lower down the page is a small
             table, reproduced below, giving the rotation of certain other members:
                          To be specially summoned
                             Feb.    Mar.    Apl.   May   Nov.   Dec . r
                Barry         1       1              1            1
                Clarkson      1               1      1
                Claydon       1               1      1
                Savory                1       1             1
                Arden Jos             1                     1

                Whether the lines signify that the intervals they cover are included in or
             excluded from the special summons there is nothing to show. All these five
             members were P.M.s. except Bro. Barry, who was S.W. in 1840 but went no
                Some curious irregularities occur about the middle of the nineteenth century.
             For instance, on 19 April 1850 only the W.M., Bro. Crew deputising as S.W., the
             J.W. and one member are minuted as present; perhaps the Tyler was called in, as
             happened on another occasion. Again, on 9 December 1856, a Bro. “Solomons”
             seconded a candidate for initiation, but his name is not in the list of those present.
             At the following meeting he is S.D., but there is no indication as to how or when
             he became a member of the Lodge. His correct name, Solomon, appears in the
             return made to the Grand Lodge in December 1857.
                On 8 February 1859, a Bro. J. Binkes acted as Secretary, but he was not a
             member, nor is his name in the list of visitors; and at the same meeting Bro. O. L.
             Rasch was both initiated and appointed I.G. At the March meeting he was passed,
             still appearing as I.G.; in 1861 he was S.W. and in December the same year he
             was elected W.M. As the membership was fifteen at the end of 1861 this indecent
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