Page 188 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 188

188                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1801 May 9  I  BARKER, Henry Aston.   Do      West Sq., St.
                            1774-1856. b. in Glasgow.        George’s Fields.
                            Famous painter of panoramas,
                            notably of Constantinople
                            and Paris, ‘02, Venice, ‘19,
                            and Waterloo, the last said to
                            have brought him £10,000,
                            and coronation of George
                            IV, his last big work. Retired
                            from profession ‘26. His
                            father, Robert Barker, said to
                            have been inventor and first
                            practitioner of panoramic
                            painting. (SJ 1801)
               1802 Nov. 16  I  ANDERSON/ Peter. (SJ   Attorney  Mansell Str.
               1803 Jan. 22  * DILLON Sir William Henry.     Red Lion St.
                            Joined R.N. 1790. Saw            Holborne
                            much service 1794-1803,
                            when treacherously delivered
                            prisoner to the French by
                            Dutch at Helvetsluys; severely
                            wounded in gallant action in
                            command of sloop against
                            Danish brig, ‘08; later saw
                            service at Walcheren, off
                            coasts of Portugal, Spain,
                            Newfoundland, China,
                            India, and in Mediterranean.
                            Knighted 35; Vice Adml. of
                            the Blue, ‘53; of the Red, ‘57.
               1805 Dec. 14  I  MOSS, James    Surgeon       Somers Town.
                                               St. James 1803
               1805 Dec. 14  I  SAVAGE, James. A leading   Coachmaker   Gt. Queen St.,
                            man in the coachmaking   (SJ 1801)  Lincoln’s Inn Fields
                            business. Treasurer, ‘13-‘14
                            –’15. d. 1816.
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