Page 176 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 176

176                    An Account of the

               DATE      NAMES
               1777        HULL, John.. Founder and first W.M., named in Warrant  25.3.77
                           J.G.W. 75. 2  G.P., R.A., Hall Medal. J No.4 May 74, Antiquity
                             20.9.75; ref AQC LXII-p 185. d ‘82
               1777        FRANCO, Raphael. Founder and first S.W., named in Warrant. Donor
                             of candlesticks d 81. Legacy of £50 to G.L.
               1777        BARKER, Richard. Founder and first J.W., named in Warrant. Perhaps
                             the R.B. who was P.G.M. Rutland 98-1813. Surgeon in Golden Sq.,
                             J. No. 4 Oct 1793
               1777        BIGGIN Robert. Founder, named in Warrant. Gave Officers’ Jewels
                             and first V. of the S.L., now lost.
               1777        TEIXERA, Abra.. Founder, named in Warrant. Merchant of
                             Hamborough; ref AQC LXII-p.187
               1777        SEQUIRA, Isaac, M.D Founder, named in Warrant. Physician, Mark
                             Lane, London. I Shakespeare L. b in Portugal -39, d 1816
               1777 Jan.14  J.  RUSPINI, Bartholomew. Founder, named in Warrant. Pale Place
                             Surgeon Dentist to the Prince of Wales afterwards George IV.
                             Founded the Institution for Girls ’88; G.S. (Moderns),’72; G.Sw.B
                             ’91-1813; W.M. Royal Lo. 1778; W.M. 9 Muses ’96 & 1801. J Ch. of
                             St James 1795; J Antiquity. Hall Medal. b 1730 d 14.12.1813.
               1777 Jan.14    *DODD, Revd. Dr. Wm, was J.W. at preliminary meeting. Argyle
                             Street. I- St. Alban’s ’75. b 1729 Expelled from Craft as condemned
                             felon, 7th April and hanged at Tyburn, 27.6.77
               1777 Jan.14  J.  BORGHI, Esq.? Luigi B. Violinist and composer. Appeared in London
                             ’74 & ‘77, settled there in ’80. Leader of 2  Violins, Handel
                             commemoration , ’84; 2nd Violin in Cramer’s quartette.
               1777 Jan.14  J.  HEAVISIDE, Richard, Esq.
               1777 Jan.14  I. TEISSA,
               1777 Jan 23  I.  BETTSWORTH, John
               1777 Jan 23  J.  CIPRIANI, Jean Baptiste, Esq. The well known artist; painter of the
                             Officers’ jewels; m Rev. Dodd’s sister; b ’27, d ‘85
               1777 Jan 23  J.  PORTER Will.
               1777 Feb 13  I.  SOTT Chris
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