Page 175 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 175

Lodge of the Nine Muses               175

               The above statement applied to the original edition but is of course no
            longer appropriate. Instead of heavier type the symbol # is inserted to indicate
            the then members. In a like manner the symbol ‡ indicates a member at the
            time of this edition which corresponds to the most recent entry at the end of
            Appendix A.
               To celebrate the link with the Chapter of St. James, founded in 1788, those
            who joined that Chapter have – SJ - together with the date they became
            members, inserted within their entry.
               The address of past members when they joined has been added to the
            list where known so as to conform to the previous style. People are much
            more mobile than previously, some travelling from a considerable distance to
            meetings, so this information today has less significance. Indeed many moved,
            some several times, since they joined. Addresses of current members may be
            obtained from the Lodge List.
               Likewise there is now more mobility in career choice and in this instance it
            is the most recent or most significant that is listed.
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