Page 180 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 180

180                    An Account of the

               DATE      NAMES
               1779 Apl. 19  I.  O’BRYAN, Denis, Esq. ? O’Bryen, Dennis, Dramatist and Political
                             writer, ‘55-1832; strong supporter of Fox.
               1779 Apl. 19  I.  D’AGENO, His Excellency Francis, Genoese Ambassador. Repeated
                             protests by D’A. against insults by British shipping to Genoese flag
                             led Lord Hillsborough to stop the abuse, for which Lord H. received
                             thanks of Doge & Senate. F. O. Letters, 1780, at Record Office.
               1779 Dec. 17  I.  CRANSTOUN, Right Honbl. Lord. James, 8th Baron. ‘55—‘96.
                             Succeeded to title ‘73. Naval Officer; Lieut. ‘76, Capt. ‘82. Fought
                             under Hood, ‘82; commanded Rodney’s· Flagship Formidable,
                             12.4.82, when French W.I. squadron was destroyed off Dominica;
                             saw much other service; appointed Governor of Island of Granada,
                             ‘96, but accidentally poisoned before taking up post.
               1779 Dec. 17  I.  PRESTON, Thomas, Esq.
               1779 Dec. 17  I.  BRENT, Timothy, Esq.
               1779 Dec. 17  I.  NEWMAN, Fred. Aug., Esq.
               1779 Dec. 17  I. ALDER, Willm., Esq.
               1780 Feb. 21  J.  *KELLIE, Rt. Honbl. Earl. Thos. Alexander Erskine, 6th Earl K., b.
                             1732, d. 1781. Studied music in Germany; accomplished amateur
                             violinist and composer. “His coarse joviality made him one of
                             the best-known men of his time.” Compositions mostly lost, but
                             collection of pleasing minuets published 1836. F.M.’s Mag. Feb. 1796.
               1780 Feb. 21  J.  ZOFFINA, Johan, Esq. Spelt many different ways, usually Zoffany. b.
                             Ratisbon, ‘33; came to England, 58. R.A. 69. Exhibited at R.A. ‘70
                             - 1800. Reputed for his portraits and conversation pieces; travelled
                             professionally on Continent and in India. d. 1810; tomb in Kew
                             church- yard.
               1780 Feb. 21  I.  HIRSCHOLM, Paul
               1780 Mar. 20  I.  PRESTON, Geo.
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