Page 174 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 174

174                    An Account of the

                  Hall Library and Museum, and the Peterborough Masonic Museum and
                  Library; and the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington.
                The Secretaries to the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, the Bishopsgate
                  Institute and the Society of Miniaturists.
                Bros. the President of the Board of General Purposes, Punjab, the P.G. Secretary
                  for Berkshire, and the Earl Ferrers.
                Sir Thomas Colyer-Fergusson, Bart.
                The Rector of Oswaldkirk and the Vicars of Homerton and St Lawrence,
                J. M. Levien, Esq., A. S. Warman, Esq., and the Secretaries of the following
                  The Grand Master’s Lodge, No. 1, the St Alban’s Lodge, No. 29, the
                  Moira Lodge, No. 92, the Prince of Wales’s Lodge, No. 259, the Lodge
                  of Unanimity and Sincerity, Taunton, No. 261, the Constitutional Lodge,
                  Beverley, No. 294, the Scientific Lodge, Wolverton, No. 840, and the St
                  James’s Lodge, No. 1579.

                Difficulties due to the outbreak of war between Great Britain and Germany
             on 3 September, 1939, while the revision of the proofs was in hand, have
             prevented the notes in the appendices from being in all cases as full as had been
                The following contractions are used, in addition to those familiar to Masons:
                R. Resigned;  Rj. Rejoined;  W. Withdrawn (the term used in the G.L.
             Register when payments ceased); L. Lodge; H.M. Honorary Member; C.M.
             Ceased membership;  G.L.R. Grand Lodge Register. Also included are LR
             London Rank (this preceded) LGR and SLGR - London, and Senior London,
             Grand Rank; b born; d died. Current practice is to omit full-stops between
             such letters but have been retained wherever used in the original text. As in the
             body of the book insertions made in this edition are printed on ‘Rockwell’ as
             is this paragraph.

                Names of present members, September 1939, are printed in heavier type.
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