Page 179 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 179

Lodge of the Nine Muses               179

              DATE      NAMES
              1778 June 15  I.  PAOLI, His Excellency, Genl. The Corsican hero; b. ‘25, d. 1807.
                            Expelled the Genoese from Corsica, but defeated by French, to
                            whom the Genoese ceded Corsica in ‘69. Escaped to England on
                            British frigate and reached London ‘69. A man of personal charm
                            and distinguished manners, he was lionised and granted civil list
                            pension of £1200 p.a. It may be recalled that Dr Johnson after his
                            first meeting with him told Boswell, who had introduced them
                            to each other, that “General Paoli had the loftiest port of any man
                            he had ever met.” After outbreak of the revolution went to Paris
                            in ‘90, and was appointed by Louis XVI military Commandant of
                            Corsica. Quarrelled with revolutionaries on execution of King;
                            expelled all Bonaparte family from the island, and offered Kingdom
                            of Corsica to George III, ‘94, who occupied it with British troops,
                            but the occupation was not successful, and Corsica was abandoned
                            to the French in ‘96. Paoli returned to London in ‘95 and settled
                            there and had large and distinguished circle of friends. Cenotaph in
                            Westminster Abbey with bust by Flaxman Paoli’’s body was returned
                            to Corsca, 1889.
              1778 June 15  I.  POLI, Count Gino
              1778 June 15  I.  GENTILLE, Count Aubanis. Shared Paoli’s exile here.
              1778 June 15  I.  CAMBIAGI, Count. No Count Cambiagi can be traced; ? Joiachim
                            Cambiagi, Florentine historian, living at end of 18th century. Shared
                            Paoli’s exile here.
              1778 June 15  I. TAYLOR, William Esq.
              1779 Feb. 15  J.  CASELLI, His Excellency, Venetian Ambassador. Really CAVALLI,
                            Venetian Resident in London, ‘79. Letters from CavaIli to Lord
                            Hillsborough, Colonial Secretary, are preserved at Record Office;
                            peevish, complaining, and of no great interest.
              1779 Feb. 15  J.  BOTTOMLEY, James. G.Swd.B. ‘78; “for many years” (Sadler). On
                            original Committee of Institution fo Girls, ’88. d 90. Hall Medal
              1779 Mar. 15  J.  EFFINGHAM, Right Honbl. Earl. Thomas, 3rdEarl of E. b. 46, d. 91.
                            Deputy Earl Marshall. Acting G.M. (Modems) 82-89. Governor of
                            Jamaica, 89--91. Hall Medal (refused G.M. of Antients 1779.)
              1779 Apl. 19  I.  COTTON, Henry, Esq. Resigned to fight for U.S.A. in War for
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